If they ever become self-aware we won't even need stairs to foil their world domination plans!
Stairs are for humanoids. In my mind, these pointy futuristic things could have air propulsion and float from one place to another and then balance on one point at any point. The point could be the ground, a wall, a structure, or anywhere in space. The points benefit each other. In a kind of creature-craft of intellectual autonomy, it would have surrounding living-accessories that are also one point and balance on its mother structure. Living accessories can help loft the Mother to new heights, do swarming objective missions on their own, or morph to attach and expand the living mobile mother for new missions and objectives.
I think Ken needs to start building the parallax FMA in Rocklin. (one of the links from the above video takes you to a 3 minute tour of the ETH Flying Machine Arena (FMA) - in case you are wondering why I babble so!)
@Ken: For your quadcopter, see also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6GpehgzY4w