Basic idea on new project with serial display
Posts: 67
I saw a project from CalMariner,,and its using a serial 6 digit display with serin command.
I want a display with say 4 to 6 digits ( yes for clock it would be 6 ) but I also want to be able to enter a set time say 10:15,,,even if is not 10;15
Its for show only,,,no practical use
Then i would like to just have the numbers display random numbers,( I suppose i will remove the ds1302 at that point )...can I do this ( Random numbers ) with a serial display?
Q2 would this serial display be easier than using max 7219 for displaying 4 to 6 digits
AND finally if i get that far...i would like to have a keypad.( or any type of digital input )and type a number into the stamp to display ,and then just have the numbers count.
ANY help kindly appreciated,,,jonw Any ideas where to get a serial display,,and any ideas on code ( I have no experience with serial com.) I have built the max 7219 as outlined in scott edwards book Programming and customizing the basic stamp
I want a display with say 4 to 6 digits ( yes for clock it would be 6 ) but I also want to be able to enter a set time say 10:15,,,even if is not 10;15
Its for show only,,,no practical use
Then i would like to just have the numbers display random numbers,( I suppose i will remove the ds1302 at that point )...can I do this ( Random numbers ) with a serial display?
Q2 would this serial display be easier than using max 7219 for displaying 4 to 6 digits
AND finally if i get that far...i would like to have a keypad.( or any type of digital input )and type a number into the stamp to display ,and then just have the numbers count.
ANY help kindly appreciated,,,jonw Any ideas where to get a serial display,,and any ideas on code ( I have no experience with serial com.) I have built the max 7219 as outlined in scott edwards book Programming and customizing the basic stamp
As I have already answered this via PM and your message is reworded here, rather than retype the entire reply I will quote your message and paste my reply from the PM.
Q1 - Yes, serial displays are inherently easier than using the MAX7219 because the display section is already wired. All the segment multiplexing is done for you already.
Q2 - Parallax carries Serial LCD and a VFD Module. The VFD Module does have a large character mode, but it sounds like you already have the display you want to use anyway.
If you're just displaying arbitrary numbers then you do not need a DS1302. Similarly if you want those numbers to count up/down you don't need the DS1302 unless you want precision. You could write a loop that counts up/down using a PAUSE 1000 command, but each 'second' would actualy take slightly longer leaving you to try and trim the PAUSE value. If you're not worried about that no problem.
Adding a keypad can even be done serially. And Parallax stocks a 4x4 keypad that can be multiplexed or read with serial interface chips.
Does anyone know where I can buy this display ( western usa perfered )
under the manuals topic it says ( under serial port connection ) the Data string to let the K8063 know Data is coming in is the command chr$ (13) for byte1.
Do i put this in my stamp code? Will stamp support this( ie will this display even work with stamp?)
I posted similiar question in the thread six digits of doom but i need to have my own thread in all fairness to others ( thanks for the understanding). Its easy to overlap sometimes
Any suggestions on getting a display that will work with serout would be thankful for jonw
SEROUT 5, 396, [ 13, 8, "R", 1, 152 ] ' This is taken from page 16 of the display documentation, example 1
If this doesn't work, you may have to change the 396 to 16780.
When i saw the data sheet on the MAX I assumed i needed to use both pins 10 and 11 , as TTL inputs.
but now I believe I only need one pin,,,,either max232 PIN 10 or pin11 to connect to the stamp,,,can anyone confirm if this is correct.
I am using 3 wires power,ground,and from display pin#232 , to pin 5 on the stamp. Is this all that is needed, or do I need the 232 interface chip?
Here is mike greens reply,,,,and i have a question on it.[SEROUT 5, 396, [ 13, 8, "R", 1, 152 ] ' This is taken from page 16 of the display documentation, example 1
If this doesn't work, you may have to change the 396 to 16780. ]
what or how do i figure out the last parameter The sum of the previous 4 bytes ie the number 152. ie 2 compilment of the sum of the bytes
Here is my code ( can someone explain in easier terms how to use [code and / code ] to properly post the code. I will attach it
I tried 396,and 16780 any help is kindly appreciated. ( I have no experience with serout)
So I will set up the link here for the manual again,,,as the velleman link seems to be down.
I will also try installing the rs 232 interface ( just forgot about that part)
I have two other questions. One,,,when you set the address for the individual digit or display,,,Maybe i miss understood the instructions,,but what i did was , had the jumper installed,and let the display go through its count 1,2,3 etc then i removed the jumper at count 1 ( for address or digit one)...IS This correct,,,or do i need to send the display 'C'
to change address?
question 2 to clear up my last posted question ( to help me you will need this manual) is to do with the last number 152 in mike greens example ( which comes from the velleman display document), How do i calculate this,,, the manual says its checksum,,,its the 2 compliment of the sum of the previous 4 bytes)
Thanks for all replys
I have used debug and it shows S ( "83" strobe is being sent ) How can i trouble shoot the max 232 chip? Will a scope be use full as i have one?
SEROUT 5,396,[13,1,82,1,152]
SEROUT 5,16780,[13,1,65,48,129]
SEROUT 5,396,[13,8,83,1,151]
I have a O showing on the display now.
What I would like is for the serout code to count down.
Can anyone help me with serial code...This is what i have and it does not seem to be working..
SEROUT 1,396,[13,8,"R",1,152]
SEROUT 1,396,[13,1,65,48,129]
SEROUT 1,396,[13,8,83,1,151]
SEROUT 1 ,396,[13,8,49,1,128]
SEROUT 1,396,[13,8,83,1,151]
With the third byte,,,"R" being reset then 48 ascii 0 then 83 is strobe,,,then i was hoping 49 would display the number ONE ?
Can I put this whole string in one line ie serout 1,396 [13,1,"R",48,83,49,83,50,83,,,etc to show a count up timer display?
Also when the sum of the previous 4 bytes are larger than 265,,,i get a negative number and am unsure how to calulate the twos compliment
SEROUT 1,396,[13,8,"R",1,152]
'PAUSE 500
SEROUT 1,396,[13,1,65,48,129]
SEROUT 1,396,[13,8,83,1,151]
SEROUT 1 ,396,[13,8,"A",49,128]
SEROUT 1,396,[13,8,83,1,151]
SEROUT 1,396,[13,8,"A",50,127]
SEROUT 1,396,[13,8,83,1,151]
Any help to make it more professional would be greatfull for advice.
' This is displaying zero to 9
'SEROUT 1,396,[13,8,"R",1,152]
SEROUT 1,396,[13,1,"A",48,129]
SEROUT 1,396,[13,8,"S",1,151]
SEROUT 1,396,[13,1,"A",57,120]
SEROUT 1,396,[13,8,"S",1,151]
SEROUT 1,396,[13,1,"A",56,121]
SEROUT 1,396,[13,8,"S",1,151]
SEROUT 1,396,[13,1,"A",55,122]
SEROUT 1,396,[13,8,"S",1,151]
SEROUT 1,396,[13,1,"A",54,123]
SEROUT 1,396,[13,8,"S",1,151]
SEROUT 1,396,[13,1,"A",53,124]
SEROUT 1,396,[13,8,"S",1,151]
SEROUT 1,396,[13,1,"A",52,125]
SEROUT 1,396,[13,8,"S",1,151]
SEROUT 1,396,[13,1,"A",51,126]
SEROUT 1,396,[13,8,"S",1,151]
SEROUT 1,396,[13,1,"A",50,127]
SEROUT 1,396,[13,8,"S",1,151]
SEROUT 1,396,[13,1,"A",49,128]
SEROUT 1,396,[13,8,"S",1,151]