Yes . . . The Hiatus Is Over, I'm Coming Back! :)
I am happy and excited to be resuming my pursuit of robotics/electronics.
As anticipated, I have some regrets about selling all my robotic stuff but this will give me an opportunity to start from scratch and use my previous knowledge to obtain new stuff - and that's always fun, eh?
Just wanted to say hello and I'm looking forward to continuing the journey.
As anticipated, I have some regrets about selling all my robotic stuff but this will give me an opportunity to start from scratch and use my previous knowledge to obtain new stuff - and that's always fun, eh?
Just wanted to say hello and I'm looking forward to continuing the journey.
It's just a short rest between projects...
BTW: Got any great, new project ideas while you were taking a rest?
I remember when you left, but I'll remember your return much better!
Welcome back! Did anybody tell you about the "welcome kit" that is sent to forum members who took a break and returned later?
It consists of a new sensor of your choice: gryo, compass or altimeter! All I need is your shipping address.
Ken Gracey
Good to see your post!
Good to have you back, and I, too, missed the avatar.
Are you still working on the ceiling mounted robot platform?
I know your Sketchup knowledge must have improved immensely.
Well then I am taking a break!
OK, I'm back now. I want a free GRYO!
123 Anytown Lane
Averageville, USA
Welcome back, Scope!
You again. Guys like you win a new PLYWOOD CNC router! You have to come to Rocklin and pick it up, by 5 PM Pacific, in person!
Ken Gracey
Hah! Good thing he's closer to South Carolina now.
But..he may have a plywood twin that's close to Rocklin. Ken better lock the door.
What have I done that might be worthy of mention? Hmmm. . . let me see . . .
Taken up multi-rotor aerial photography (posted first videos last weekend) Sorely missed my very simple robotic endeavors Began writing curricula for electronics courses (way over my head but I'm learning)
That pretty much sums it up - I have been perusing the Parallax web pages, wondering which route I'll take to reenter the wonderful world of robotics. I enjoyed the Stamp - so simple - but the power of the Propeller is super-ultra-mega-phenomenal. One of those crazy Parallax sales will likely direct the decision - there is no wrong choice, eh?
Solid! You didn't say today or any particular cutoff date, so I'll be there most any day before 5. Thanks Bro!
Ken, does my time away from the Stamps qualify? I've been monitoring the forum entries and not responding except when necessary. In fact I only spun up my work with the stamps immediately after returning here on the Sunday.
Now if you're serious, I'll take a Gyro. And as for the physical shipping address, I'm not posting that in a publicly accessible forum, but look on the order form completed on Sunday for the Prop board.
Failing that PM me for my address.
Oh and welcome back Brad.
Welcome back! We've kept the light on for you..
I am having difficulty selecting items to restock my work bench. There are so many great choices for all the components I want to use.
Initially, I want to create a machine - again - that will convert someone's name into a letter size geometric drawing - a two axis machine, very simple - sort of like the Spirograph toy I used to have. I believe the Stamp would be up to task for this endeavor which I felt comfortable with but I'm also drawn to the Propeller which seems almost too sophisticated but well worth the steeper learning curve.
BTW, Wondering if the Plywood CNC that Ken is giving you for returning really works.
Sorry for the confusion - I'm not getting the P-CNC although I'm sure it's a winner and performance will exceed the design considerations.
Gee, that sounds like I'm trying to get a job at Parallax or something. (ha)
BTW - I crashed my quad yesterday really hard for the first time. Yipes. That makes three broken heli's on my bench.