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Problem of communication between XBee and BS2 — Parallax Forums

Problem of communication between XBee and BS2

Arnaud EArnaud E Posts: 5
edited 2011-09-27 01:15 in Accessories
Hello !

First of all, sorry for my approximate english.

I'm student and I learn to make communicate a XBee (series 1) and a BS2. I use the book "Getting Started with XBee RF Modules".

I arrive to make communicate two XBee without problem (loop back mode).
When I try to use a BS2 for to communicate with two XBee, data are transmitted but I see only special characters in the X-CTU terminal window.

Example :
w..9.w. ..w. = m..r ..{.w.ur...GW...ompv..Com...s.c...17
w.1..W.= .... = o...
The XBee modules are restored to default configuration (but channel = 17). One of two modules is connected at the PC (USB - Windows XP) and the other is connected on the breadboard.

I connected pin DOUT with pin 15 of BS2 and pin DIN with pin 14 of BS2.

Here is the program :
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' {$PORT COM1}

Baud CON 84

Rx PIN 15
Tx PIN 14

Counter VAR Byte

PAUSE 500 '1/2 seconde pour stabiliser la communication
SEROUT Tx, Baud, [CLS,"Programme en cours...",CR]

PAUSE 2000

FOR Counter = 1 TO 20
SEROUT Tx, Baud, ["Compteur = ",DEC Counter,CR]

SEROUT Tx, Baud, ["Boucle terminee.",CR]
Normally, it's very simple as assembly... Can anyone help me ?
Thank you.


  • dandreaedandreae Posts: 1,375
    edited 2011-09-20 07:15
    Is there anything else on your PC that is running in the back ground? I noticed that you are using a true serial port.

  • Arnaud EArnaud E Posts: 5
    edited 2011-09-20 09:24
    It's possible. In reality, I work in an enterprise as student. The PC is fairly loaded programs.
    The BS2 is connected at the serial port but one of two XBee is connected at USB port.

    I thinking at a problem of parasites or a problem with USB (timing). It's possible ?

    I try at home, on my PC. I'll keep you informed.
  • Arnaud EArnaud E Posts: 5
    edited 2011-09-22 01:22
    At home, this does not change.
    It's same worse ! The X-CTU terminal window shows only points.

    I always look for a solution...
  • Arnaud EArnaud E Posts: 5
    edited 2011-09-22 11:47
    Nobody can help me ? :confused:
  • Arnaud EArnaud E Posts: 5
    edited 2011-09-27 01:15
    The problem is solved ! The XBee Adapter Board was failing. I replaced it by a XBee 5V/3.3V Adapter Board and it's good now.
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