Daily Deal - MicroVision Projector $99
Hi, Just thought I would share this.
The Woot daily deal for today (9/19/11) is a MicroVision Laser Projector for $99. It is specialized in that you never have to focus it, so it would be great for mounting on a robot. It accepts composite video input.
Get it here: http://www.woot.com/
I can't believe I beat erco to it!!
The Woot daily deal for today (9/19/11) is a MicroVision Laser Projector for $99. It is specialized in that you never have to focus it, so it would be great for mounting on a robot. It accepts composite video input.
Get it here: http://www.woot.com/
I can't believe I beat erco to it!!
DOH! Just 'cuz I'm on a driving vacation with occasional time to surf. Currently in Cincy, OH, enroute to Charleston SC.
Well done, my young Padawan!
Wait a second.....
"Occasional time to surf"? You replied to this post within, what, 5 minutes of it being posted?