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New product naming contest: the quadcopter! — Parallax Forums

New product naming contest: the quadcopter!

Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
edited 2011-10-27 10:18 in General Discussion
Hey all,

Nothing like poking a hornet's nest and walking away, but I'm going to ask my esteemed colleague MattG to supervise this thread, manage the expectations and award a prize to the winner (their choice of $250 worth of Parallax products). Since today is Sunday and I don't have time for too much unofficial quadcopter stuff at Parallax during the week I thought we better get this quadcopter named.

Let me tell you a few things about it. First, there's some dialog here Get the idea? Easy, huh!

Next, this is a community project. Everything about it is (rah rah) open-sourced. The Hoverfly guys are producing an open-sourced Hoverfly OPEN board (until we have it, we'll provide the SPORT version). The airframe drawings are free for anybody's taking, even if they want to manufacture this on their own. No royalty to us, not even recognition!

The quadcopter is an unofficial product in Parallax. It's growing up in front of our eyes on the forums. Kevin Cook, MattG, Nick and myself have squeezed it in around all the other priorities. It's also not to be relied upon as a profit generator. Aside from our airframe, the big investments come from others (Spektrum, Hoverfly, HobbyKing) so we can't burden it with profit. Should be priced so you can build one.

It's time that the Propeller P8X32A shows it's abilities off in multi-rotor and UAV applications.

Also, we favor descriptive names that make sense to search engines and describe the product. The Eddie bot might be an exception to this naming approach. But this product isn't named yet. It would be ideal to include the word "quadcopter" in the name. It uses a Propeller processor, of course. Heck, could even be called Propeller Quadcopter. But since employees of Parallax can't participate somebody else will need to suggest that name.

This contest ends Friday, September 23rd.

Handing over the microphone to MattG for his skilled moderation, crowd management, and overall positive influence. . . to you, Matt [when you get back from the beach vacation!]

Thanks very much for your participation -

Ken Gracey

800 x 600 - 121K


  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2011-09-18 17:25
    Here's my entry: "Flip"

    What?!! That's what one would do if I tried to fly it. :)

  • ctwardellctwardell Posts: 1,716
    edited 2011-09-18 17:25
    "Octocore Quadcopter"

  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2011-09-18 17:27
    Here's my entry: "Flip"

    What?!! That's what one would do if I tried to fly it. :)


    There's hope for you, Phil. It's called First Person View (FPV) - put a video camera and wireless transmitter on it, and fly it from your shop over Port Townsend.

    Even if you can't get it off the ground it will provide worthwhile entertainment for Browser.

    Ken Gracey
  • W9GFOW9GFO Posts: 4,010
    edited 2011-09-18 17:38
    You've already got a QuadRover... now you need a QuadFlyer.

    Kolibri (Hummingbird), the first mass produced helicopter.

    Air Rover

    Trying to not get carried away...

    Super Happy Fun Copter!
  • Jay B. HarlowJay B. Harlow Posts: 79
    edited 2011-09-18 17:38
    "Whirlybird Quad"

    Whirlybird as that's a long time reference to helicopters.

    Quad as its 4 propellers.

    A variation might be "Whirlybird^4" or "Whirlybird to the fourth"

  • Jay B. HarlowJay B. Harlow Posts: 79
    edited 2011-09-18 17:39
    I like QuadFlyer, I forgot about the QuadRover...

  • Jay B. HarlowJay B. Harlow Posts: 79
    edited 2011-09-18 17:42
    There's also "Whirlybird quartic" or "Whirlybird biquadratic" for "Whirlybird^4", but it doesn't roll off the tongue as well as "Whirlybird cubed"; hence "Whirlybird Quad" and the others in my first post...

  • bsnutbsnut Posts: 521
    edited 2011-09-18 17:50
    Since, I need to collect my $150 from Parallax products for the Spinneret contest any way and plus I can use another $250 worth of Parallax products.

    So, my name for quadcopter is "The Quad".
  • mindrobotsmindrobots Posts: 6,506
    edited 2011-09-18 18:02
    Propeller Quadcopter

    ..just to get it on record.

    Let's see, in Matt's "New Product Ideas" contest, I won a ping with:
    A UAV (Unmaned Aerial Vehicle) kit.

    Either a full kit or a kit containing the hard to find components so you can just add your own plywood (or building material of you choice).

    An "airbot" for those that are tired of rolling around the floor.

    Please let me know when you need my shipping address. :lol::lol:


    P.S. Matt, you can then have a "name the Airbot" contest!

    P.P.S If you already have an airbot on the drawing board, then I should still win a prize for guessing the new product.
    so if the new "yet to be named" quadcopter is an unofficial kit of parts which is now looking for a name, the predictive properties of my 6/22 posting are pretty darn impressive. I'd say that earns me an unofficial quadcopter kit based on the rules set forth for that contest. :thumb:

    Now, as far as a name for the new kit, I'll need to work on that a bit.
  • bill190bill190 Posts: 769
    edited 2011-09-18 18:14
    Food for thought...

    The word "Quad"...

    The word "Helicopter"...
  • RonPRonP Posts: 384
    edited 2011-09-18 18:19
    I like

    Propeller QuatroCopter


    Propeller TetraCopter

    I think "Quad" is also good, but it would be nice to be a little different.

  • RonPRonP Posts: 384
    edited 2011-09-18 18:30
    How about Propeller X4 Copter. Pronounced ex 4...
  • ypapelisypapelis Posts: 99
    edited 2011-09-18 18:35
    Kind of a cliche, but how about going greek. The term tetracopter has been used elsewhere, but how about any of the following plays on tetra (from the greek tesera, i.e., 4) and the propeller




    ok, I'll stop now ...
  • ScribblerKartScribblerKart Posts: 45
    edited 2011-09-18 18:41
    I have a name! How about Heli-Propeller?

    May the best man/woman win!
  • MicrocontrolledMicrocontrolled Posts: 2,461
    edited 2011-09-18 18:43
    @RonP: Out of curiosity, how else would you pronounce it? :)

    My name suggestions:

    The Air Rover Quadcopter
    The Propeller Air Rover Quadcopter
    The Propeller Quad-ro-copter
    Sky Flyer Quadcopter
    Sky Controller Quadcopter
    Propeller P8X32A UAV Quad-Bladed helicopter

    EDIT: That last one could be changed to Quad-rotor as well. Any instance of the word "Propeller" can be replaced with or proceeded by "P8X32A"
  • sylvie369sylvie369 Posts: 1,622
    edited 2011-09-18 18:46
    Quatrecopter ("caa-tra-cop-ter", from the French for "four").
    Where the Four Winds Dwell (from the Dead song "Franklin's Tower").
    Freedom Flies (because it follows an incredibly stupid tradition of naming things)
  • RonPRonP Posts: 384
    edited 2011-09-18 18:51
    @Microcontrolled, some people might say 'times 4'. That was my fear, 'ex 4' sounds so much better that 'times 4'. :smile:
  • edited 2011-09-18 18:53
    It reminds me of the joke, "What is red, white and black all over?" LOL.

    I've watched enough Wiggles to call it the Big Red Copter (after the Big Red Car) but I can't.

    If you follow the naming convention that you've been using it would be the Propeller Quad Robot Copter but you might want to break with tradition but it is probably more remote control than robot. I suppose call it the Propeller Quad Copter.

    I don't expect to win but any winnings can go to my son's school. I don't want anything.
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2011-09-18 19:01
    Okay, a serious entry this time: "HoverProp"

  • MicrocontrolledMicrocontrolled Posts: 2,461
    edited 2011-09-18 19:20
    @Phil: HoverCopter may also work, assuming there isn't one already.
    @RonP: Ah! I had never thought of that. I'm getting used to a multiplication symbol as a dot or a * I guess.
  • ratronicratronic Posts: 1,451
    edited 2011-09-18 19:23
    " Quasair "
  • RonPRonP Posts: 384
    edited 2011-09-18 19:41
    Been busy:

    Propeller X Copter

    Propeller Quarter Copter

    Propeller HoverQuad Copter

    Propeller HoverQuad Chopper

    Propeller Quad Chopper

    Propeller X Chopper

    Propeller Hover Chopper

    Propeller Quatro Chopper

    Propeller Quarter Chopper

    Propeller Hover Quad Copter

    Propeller Hover Quad Chopper

    Propeller X Quad Copter

    Propeller X Quad Chopper

    Okay I'm done I think. :smile:
  • TubularTubular Posts: 4,726
    edited 2011-09-18 19:43
    "Cog Air"

    (after the 1997 movie "Con Air")
  • ElectricAyeElectricAye Posts: 4,561
    edited 2011-09-18 19:45

    Think of it as an interceptor with muscle. And it kicks butt.
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2011-09-18 19:47
    Tubular wrote: »
    "Cog Air"

    (after the 1997 movie "Con Air")

    Lachlan, that's really funny. Good thing I'm not a judge because I'd choose that name. . . Matt is a pretty straight guy though and he might think it reflects poorly on Parallax. That Con Air plane was filled with a couple dozen really scary people. But I like it, a whole bunch. It might even be acceptable without the connection to Con Air - it stands on its own nicely! We'll see what the judges [err, I mean Matt] decide to do. Don't you just love these informal contests?

    Ken Gracey
  • blittledblittled Posts: 681
    edited 2011-09-18 20:00
    How about the Propeller Quatro Spinner
  • ElectricAyeElectricAye Posts: 4,561
    edited 2011-09-18 20:05
  • john_sjohn_s Posts: 369
    edited 2011-09-18 20:05
    4SPIN or SPIN4 :-)
  • W9GFOW9GFO Posts: 4,010
    edited 2011-09-18 20:07

    ParaQuad :frown:
  • RonPRonP Posts: 384
    edited 2011-09-18 20:11
    I didn't think I was done:

    Propeller Octal-Quad Copter/Chopper 'Octal for the 8 Cogs'.

    Propeller 8X4 Copter/Chopper Simplify the above.

    Propeller Octaquad Copter/Chopper

    Propeller Cog Copter/Chopper
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