Is anybody familiar with the S2.SPIN Object? I just need to know what the values default wheel circle and the default wheel space values are? I assume they are the circumference and distance between each wheel?
''-[ Default values ]-
{{ These values are assigned to their respective variables on startup, unless overriding values are stored
in EEPROM. }}
''-[ Default values ]-
{{ These values are assigned to their respective variables on startup, unless overriding values are stored
in EEPROM. }}
I found this the first time through, my question is how do I calibrate this thing? do i draw a full circle and measure it what does the wheel spacing mean?
any input would be appreciated.
Wheel_space is proportional to the spacing between the wheels and is approximately equal to that distance measured in millimeters.
The default values are what get used if no alternative values have been stored in EEPROM.
Here's a thread that sheds more light on the effect of small corrections to the default values:
I appreciate the info, this is what I found when I looked at the documentation section of the object.
PUB set_wheel_calibration(circle, space)
Set calibration values to method's arguments, if they're reasonable.
Example: s2.set_wheel_calibration(960, 160) 'Set Full_circle to 960 and
'Wheel_space to 160.
I will look at the link you provided, again thank you very much!
This is the full text of that method, including the part you left out, which does explain those parameters:
You know, I don't think I like your tone, I didn't LEAVE anything, out I copied and pasted the code exactly as is in the version of the object that I downloaded. I was being sincere when I thanked you for providing this info because it is not in the version that I have. I would post a screen shot or email it to you in it's entirety but you would probably just accuse me of deleting it.
You know what I don't understand about this forum is that Parallax has positioned itself as a product that encourages learning and teaching. Yet on the forums if you ask a basic question some people act like we are wasting their time. I guess to some people the forum is a good spot to let everyone know how smart they are.........
Don't automatically assume that becasue someone asks a question that you happen to know the answer to that we are being lazy, I searched the forums and had already found the link that you provided but without the additional info it didn't make much sense.
Josh s2.spins2.spin
Oh Smile! Sorry, man: I didn't mean to be snide or needlessly impatient. I really did think that you had left out those lines, since they're in the officially-released version (version Q) of the S2 object that's included in the software install. (Click the Help button in the GUI and "S2 Spin Object Documentation" to see the object formatted in HTML.) So now I'm wondering: from where did you access your copy (version P) that, as you correctly note, omits that information? If it's buried in the install package somewhere, we probably need to make some adjustments.
(BTW, you probably shouldn't post your phone number in a public forum, as it could easily become subject to abuse by miscreants.)
I downloaded the software from the Parallax website--not the OBEX--. I downloaded the archive from the following link. http://www.parallax.com/Portals/0/Downloads/docs/prod/robo/scribbler2/S2GUISource.zip.
I checked it before sending this link and under the revision history it is listed as P. If I appeared to be snide or needlessly inpatient then I apologize, given the apparent miscommunication I was a little frustrated and couldn't figure our what I was missing, so I decided to make an attempt to better articulate my question.
On a lighter note, the reason I am asking about the calibration is this I wrote a little program that takes input from a user that creates a pattern to cope pipe or tubing. It is working pretty well, but the accuracy needs to be a little better. Basically the programs takes the Header Diameter, the Branch Diameter and the Intersection Angle and calculates the 16 ordinate lines reqired to plot the pattern.
I posted a demo below.
Thanks for the help.
That's got to be one of the more interesting -- even esoteric -- apps I've seen for the S2! I'm not sure I understand entirely what it's supposed to do, so please continue to post as you progress.
BTW, the zip file you posted a link to doesn't contain any Spin objects -- just Perl code. Can you check again, please, to see where that version "P" came from?
Thank you for the compliment. If you go to the web page below and click on the "default program" link that is where you will find the archive with the old version. sorry about the mix up.
As far as what the program is designed to do, it is drawing a pattern which will be cut out and wrapped around a piece of pipe for the purposes of coping. In order to weld two pieces of pipe--or tubing--together you have to cope it, so that you get a uniform gap all the way around the pipe.
There are plenty of programs available to print these patterns however most welders do not have printers etc on their trucks in the field. Also any pattern that requires a piece of paper over 11x17 requires a plotter. The idea here is that a welder or fitter could take a piece of cardboard or poster board or whatever plug in the OD,ID and Intersection angle and let the s2-rip then cut it out. I chose the S2 platform because of the open source, this will probably have to be converted to a stronger platform. with less wiggle etc.
The S2 is an awesome little product. To be honest I have been trying to figure out a way to do this for a few months I never thought about a robot actually drawing the pattern, and when I watched the scribble your name with the S2 video the light went off! --thanks Jessica!
I will be sure to post another video and more details after I get it dialed in.
Thanks again for the help.
Now I understand what the "coping" program is for. That's got to be the first -- probably only -- "industrial" application of the S2! Neat idea!
What a clever, "out of the box thinking" use for the S2.
Phil, I was wondering when you two were'discussing' the "P" and "Q" versions. I had printed off some S2 spin code lately and I remember seeing "P" but not "Q". I'll need to go back and see where I got that and see if I can find the "Q" code. I have a feeling I have P's and Q's scattered all over several PC's......I really shouldn't be allowed to play with source code!!
It looks like I will need to tighten up a few areas on the S2 to get the accuracy where I want it. It is pretty darn good out of the box. The S2 object is great as well.
I will probably lean toward creating a new S2 type robot with an aluminum chassis and a little more solid mounting for the pen and wheels.
Thanks for all of the help!