TI 1988 TTL Databook only 10 cents, free shipping

Yes, it's old, but very useful still.
I don't know if this is a limited time deal or not, but if you want one I wouldn't wait too long.
I don't know if this is a limited time deal or not, but if you want one I wouldn't wait too long.
Why pay if You can download this one
LOGIC Pocket Data Book (Rev. B
Copyright 2006, Texas Instruments Incorporated
But my prefrred book is the Hofacker Microcomputer Hardware Handbook, 1982 edition.
Not just the 74xx and 40xx series chips, but a lot of CPUs and support chips, too.
Genrally, what was in common use in computers then)
I just wish they had made an updated version a few years later, or even an addendum.
There was a time when everything manufactured had a published schematic and maybe a repair guide. But I've learned finally to accept that those days are long gone.
Which is why I stay away from it as much as I can. The last time I ventured there to buy one book, I ended up with books for about $150...
I have a couple of old tube radios at my parents house. Both of them have complete shematics hidden under a piece of masonite in the bottom.
Jax: Are you serious? I had no idea, but I have wondered where you've been, that's quite a thing you've been through. Very sorry to hear that.
Dang, That was fast!! Looks twice as thick as my original 1973 first printing. Back then, they were Hard Cover. Got mine in 1977.
Yeap, I agree with about Abe Books, great for restocking your bookshelf.
Which reminds me, never lend old databooks and tech books out, you'll never see them again
I ordered the book yesterday at 11:17 AM and it showed up at 10:45 AM today. OVERNIGHT?!?!...for 10 Pennies?!?!
They're probably never going to print anymore of these, since most people think e-books and .pdfs are going to replace books (like TV replaced radio). I'd guess they have a lot of these laying around taking up space, and no one was buying them at $20, so somebody said "get rid of these somehow". TI probably has a corporate rate with Fed-Ex and selling them may have been as nearly as cheap as sending them to be recycled or put in a landfill.
Digikey has canceled their catalogs, and I expect Mouser to follow suite, but I did get a full catalog from Mouser last month. I expect it might be the last. Funny think is, I asked Mouser to stop sending the print catalog and sent the CD instead. That was four years ago and never received a CD.
All for 10 cents, FedEx'ed to Norway.. it'll be a while before I find a better deal than this.