PropBasic LMM issue
I have build an environment with Edit+ to compile PropBasic files:

When loading the spin file into the bst ide, all is fine.
When I leave out the LMM parameter, all is fine also.
Can someone elude me?
Thx, Fried
I have build an environment with Edit+ to compile PropBasic files:
@echo off "c:\program files (x86)\Propbasic\PropBasic-bst.exe" %1.pbas > %1.lst if exist %1.err ( type %1.err ) else ( echo --------- No Errors --------- )The following file compiles fine:
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ----- Device Settings ------------------------------------------------ DEVICE P8X32A, XTAL1, PLL16X XIN 5_000_000 ' ----- IO Pins -------------------------------------------------------- P0 Pin 0 Low PROGRAM Start LMM Start: ' setup code Main: toggle P0 goto main END ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------It crashes when trying to load it to the Propeller:

When loading the spin file into the bst ide, all is fine.
When I leave out the LMM parameter, all is fine also.
Can someone elude me?
Thx, Fried
If you are trying to load it into the Propeller using the Parallax tools it won't work.
The parallax tools do not support @@@ nor do they support pasm code longer than 512 instructions.
You must use BST to load LMM code.
I'm now beginning a real project, a balancing bot based on Parallax's Stingray kit.
After trying Spin & Catalina C i'm going to stick with your Propbasic, it is simply the fastest.
Now I will try to integrate PASD (should not be a problem) and also Viewport.
So I need the BST IDE anyway, I will call it directly from Edit+, not using the bstl command line.
I intend to use the Floating Point Co-Processor uM-FPU v3.1,so I hope the math will be taken care of.