What is the highest resolution charater driver on 1 cog?
I have found 640 x 480 VGA Tile Map Driver w/ Mouse Cursor which is 1 cog with a character resolution of 40x15, are there any character drivers with a higher character resolution? I don't care about the pixel count, only the character count.
I can do without a cursor, I would like individual color per char if possible. Must run an LCD screen.
I am guessing that 640x480 would be fine if it had its own font.
I have found 640 x 480 VGA Tile Map Driver w/ Mouse Cursor which is 1 cog with a character resolution of 40x15, are there any character drivers with a higher character resolution? I don't care about the pixel count, only the character count.
I can do without a cursor, I would like individual color per char if possible. Must run an LCD screen.
I am guessing that 640x480 would be fine if it had its own font.
Parallax also has new examples using it for a primative GUI..
As far as I can tell (unless there is a different version somewhere) the vga_hires_text requires 2 cogs and only does color per line instead of color per character.
I can only spare 1 cog.
"Must run an LCD screen" - are you talking about a standard PC monitor (VGA cable), or a LCD module (eg using 18 or 24 bit colour?)
That is a very good start, nice drivers and they don't take up too much memory.
Great find and of course, excellent work Bill Henning.
Kuroneko helped immensely with those drivers! He figured out a very nice solution to a critical hub synchronization issue.
Note that the 80 column driver need the Prop to run at 100Mhz (ie 6.25Mhz xtal with PLL16x)
I am building a coffee roaster, I think I will stay focused on the roaster until it is working and then look at the display. Now I have a 1 cog vga I can make it work.
I didn't appreciate how nice this is... 80 columns with 1 cog could be very useful. All you need is the faster crystal... Nice work.
I have not released a 4 color tile driver version as they are not polished for release (and as you note, the increased memory requirements)
All drivers come with vertical font scaling and I think 5 fonts at last count, so you can choose practically any number of rows on screen.