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Generating button on screen with internal ROM font, using NTSC? — Parallax Forums

Generating button on screen with internal ROM font, using NTSC?

RinksCustomsRinksCustoms Posts: 531
edited 2011-09-17 13:22 in Propeller 1
so i came across a thread with a similar query, that member was told to check out the VGA_Demo.spin object, so i followed suit.. some makes sense, some does not.
  boxcolor := $10
  col := 26
  row := 6


PUB box(left,top,width,height) | x, y, i

  ptr := top * cols + left
  repeat i from 1 to width
  repeat i from 1 to height
    ptr := (top + i) * cols + left
    ptr += width
  ptr := (top + height + 1) * cols + left
  repeat i from 1 to width

PRI boxchr(c): i

  screen[ptr++] := boxcolor << 10 + $200 + c

I realize that "boxchr($ ) accesses the button making characters in ROM. I also understand the basic method of making the button with the "box" method above. "screen" is the virtual screen in RAM, word aligned. I'm fairly sure this code snippet just wont translate to tv terminal or graphics.spin.

The "PRI boxchr(c): i" method looks like its performing a mix of math with "c" then shifting everything left by 10 into screen, then advancing "ptr".. but why? Is there an easier (read - more readable and understandable) way of printing the run time only characters in ROM to the screen using graphics.spin or tv terminal? ie; by specifying the ROM addresses of the pieces of buttons to use? Any help or clarification here would be a big help.


  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,999
    edited 2011-09-15 04:14
    The usual TV and VGA drivers use a word array to represent tiles on the screen. Each 16 bit member of the array uses 10 bits to store the address of the bitmap and 6 bits to store the desired colorset for the tile.

    It gets away with 10 bits for the address because the ROM font is aligned in a way so that the lower 6 bits of each character are all zero...
  • RinksCustomsRinksCustoms Posts: 531
    edited 2011-09-15 21:32
    to be more specific about the ROM font, the HYDRA manual shows that the characters are 16x32, so for any given character, you need two halves of a character location in memory. In addition to that you need to know even or odd bits to select which of the two overlayed characters in ROM to display. The attached files show the button characters being used by switching the colors in the palette around, even create effects like a button being pressed and the beveled edges acting like light and shadow..

    In any case, i think i'm closer to what it is that I want to do with the ROM font, make buttons on screen in NTSC. I'm going to experiment with the ROM font and palette color, i think that is the road i'm trying to go down.
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,999
    edited 2011-09-16 03:44
    Buttons are made with characters meant to be shown in 4-color mode using one set of colors and made up of 16x16 tiles.

    Regular characters are made of two sequential 16x16 tiles in ROM, meant to be shown in 2-color. You use two sets of colors to pick one of the two interleaved characters.
    One set of colors with show the even character, the other set the odd character.
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,999
    edited 2011-09-16 11:40
    BTW: The way I think of it is that the TV and VGA drivers are really 4-color drivers. When you pick a color set, you are picking a set of 4 colors.

    The way the ROM font is used to show characters is really a trick to accomodate both 4-color and 2-color data.

    We trick the driver to display the ROM font correctly as 2-color by selecting one of two colorsets in a special way...

    IMHO: Things would have been a lot simpler if the ROM font wasn't coded in this wierd way. I think the creators sacrificed simplicity for a little more functionality...
  • RinksCustomsRinksCustoms Posts: 531
    edited 2011-09-17 13:22
    Rayman wrote: »

    The way the ROM font is used to show characters is really a trick to accomodate both 4-color and 2-color data.

    We trick the driver to display the ROM font correctly as 2-color by selecting one of two colorsets in a special way...

    IMHO: Things would have been a lot simpler if the ROM font wasn't coded in this wierd way. I think the creators sacrificed simplicity for a little more functionality...

    Reading more about just how the TV driver does its rendering with respect to ROM fonts has alot to do with how you use your color palette for the tiles, specifically the color palette tells the TV driver which part of the overlayed characters (even/odd pixels) to display. I think i get it now, but i believe the TV driver will automatically stack the lower half of the character from ROM to form the whole character definition (ie- char @ $8000-$803F = top half of beveled corners box character). I'm guessing there's a bit of clever "screen tile memory math" to manipulate the TV driver into displaying only half of a character (upper/lower), in order to display the button correctly on the screen, which is where the line of code:
    screen[ptr++] := boxcolor << 10 + $200 + c

    come into play.
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