Another question for propeller programmers
As most already know I'm new to using the propeller and have jumped in head first! I've been looking at viewport and am wondering how many people here are using it and if so how are you using it. More then once I've wished for a debugger that would allow me to single step code, set breakpoints, etc.
In the mean time, the forth option provides a slightly different paradigm, and does may of the same functions. Propforth does not need a PC, it runs directly on the prop and only needs a terminal, so the smallest netbook that can run a terminal emulation progrma is sufficient. It has a software logic analyzer that can sample at every clock cycle to cog memory, or every 40 cycles to main memory. One can execute individual functions and thus step through code. The code can be modified and saved without having to run prop tool or recompile spin. It does a bunch of other stuff like in line assembler, scripting allowing programs to the size of SD memory, and its free. I have found that I really don't need anything else until things get REALLY complex. Of course forth is not the "popular" option which would be C.
I wish viewport and Propeller Tool were more tightly integrated. I really like the editor and compiler in Propeller Tool, and I find myself constantly saving and then load/executing the code in viewport.
(now I'm starting to feel a bit spoiled complaining about having to save a file in one tool and load it in another; I remember the days when a compile-test-revise cycle involved not only separate tools, but EEPROM erasers, programmers, and ZIF sockets)
I wish viewport and Propeller Tool were more tightly integrated. I really like the editor and compiler in Propeller Tool, and I find myself constantly saving and then load/executing the code in viewport.
(now I'm starting to feel a bit spoiled complaining about having to save a file in one tool and load it in another; I remember the days when a compile-test-revise cycle involved not only separate tools, but EEPROM erasers, programmers, and ZIF sockets)
keep the questions coming
best regards
Welcome to the Propeller! ViewPort gives you lots of debugging tools- including Visual Studio like line by line stepping, breakpoint, memory view, profiler... See here for a review from Robot magazine:
Let me know if you need any help...