Question about BST
I run Linux and Solaris on my machines at home and my only access to windows is via virtual box on my linux desk top. As a result I'm interested in moving away from the parallax provided development tools and would like to move to BST.
I downloaded and unzipped the latest version of BST and after working my way through some issues have gotten to like it. I do have a few questions about it though. When writing spin methods I notice it doesn't show indentation linkage like the parallax tool does. I got used to this in helping with keeping track of blocking. I searched through the gui and haven't been able to find the ability to enable it. Is this option available somehow and if not can I make a feature request to add it. :-)
My second question is: Can I use BST to develop PASM programs?
I downloaded and unzipped the latest version of BST and after working my way through some issues have gotten to like it. I do have a few questions about it though. When writing spin methods I notice it doesn't show indentation linkage like the parallax tool does. I got used to this in helping with keeping track of blocking. I searched through the gui and haven't been able to find the ability to enable it. Is this option available somehow and if not can I make a feature request to add it. :-)
My second question is: Can I use BST to develop PASM programs?
In the meantime you could try out Andrey Demenev's PZST IDE which is also cross platform and at least has a means of showing indentation levels clearly. It is very slick and uses BradC's Spin compiler, BSTC, as the back end.
Yes you can develop in PASM with these tools. You only need to have a minimal few lines of spin to get the PASM started.
I am not sure Brad is around to add features although I am reasonably sure he would still fix any bugs found. He has tried to ensure that his compiler is able to produce identical results to PropTool.
The biggest benefit though has to be in the #ifdef modes for conditional compilation. ZiCog (a CPM emulation) uses this heavily.
Thank for the reference to pzst. Do you know if it supports propbasic?