Cassini: Saturn Images & Video
Posts: 20,257
Nice imagery from the Cassini robotic orbiter... is it worth 3.26 billion dollars? You be the judge...
Omg !
Yes. It is worth the money. I do not know what the data is doing for science. But, the images are doing a tremendous amount to boost human inspiration.
My taxes paid for this probe. Since there are about 300,000,000 US citizens my individual share was in the USD$10 range. I'd say I got well more than my money's worth.
Now my share of the Iraq war, on the other hand, could have bought me a fairly nice car and I'm not happy with that investment at all.
See the following link to what was recently observed from Earth.
It'll burn up before it hits the planet. It's not likely that it would have infected the moons, but they are just being careful.
as abundant life on our planet is, and found in some places humans can not exist at all, I am pretty sure Bacteria already have figured out how to live on Saturn. Maybe even more complex organism, we just don't know yet.
Interesting idea about floating cities on those big planets, never occurred to me. What a huge amount of real estate in our own solar system.
If my memory serves me correctly, they have found life on Earth...
Around the thermal vents some 5 miles deep in the ocean. Great pressures here can crush metal pipes. No sunlight. Yet both plants and fish enhabit the surrounds.
In the upper atmosphere, they have found bacteria. Low pressure, Heigh UV sunlight, low temperatures.
In space, DNA has survived space shuttle launch, orbit, and return. Temperatures, pressures, UV and space radiation.
Makes me wonder where there isn't life, and not necessarily as we know it.
Even though Cassini will burn up quickly in Saturns atmosphere, it's still possible to contaminate levels of the atmosphere, which would ultimately reach all levels including the "ground".
In the last couple of years the space probes and rovers have returned so much mind boggling information about our planets and moons. Makes me wonder what they will learn next. It's so exciting to live in this era, excluding the terrorism of course!
But is there intelligent life on Earth?
Sometimes I doubt that the human race is intelligent. Well, at least some of the humans anyway.
Then again, you could say some trees are intelligent. Giraffes always eat leaves from trees downwind first, working their way upwind. This is because when the tree determines its leaves are being attacked, it turns them sour. Also, trees downwind also turn their leaves sour. Isn't this intelligent ???
just saying,
I guess that is Yahoo for you.
Nice thought, but it also makes me wonder if the UK Schools Minister understands the meaning of average. That is the kind of statement that makes me wonder about the intelligence of bureaucrats and elected officials. Or that removes all doubt.