Protoboard, can load RAM but cant load EEPROM?
Hi guys!
Have finished soldering everything up on my latest protoboard. Everything works, but i just cant load the EEPROM, just load the RAM.
Its not the PC because i can load the Prof. Developmentboard without a glitch.
Have finished soldering everything up on my latest protoboard. Everything works, but i just cant load the EEPROM, just load the RAM.
Its not the PC because i can load the Prof. Developmentboard without a glitch.
Was there some kind of program in the EEPROM already? If so, did it work? If the Prop can read from the EEPROM, it should be able to write to it unless the /WP pin on the EEPROM isn't connected properly.
Check You have an EEProm that are 32 KBytes else bigger
Hello Mike!
The EEPROM looks great. and this is a brand new board. But i think rayman have the answer. I have wired a button-input to the P29 -.-
Mygod, i have wired a button in-put to P29. I certainly dont hope i have ruined the EEPROM now?
Feel really stupid. i assumed that the EEPROM-input pins were some of the unmarked ones on the board.
My ignorance.