Pringles DIY

First Radio Shack went DIY, Heathkit's back, now Pringles is jumping on the DIY open source movement:
Buy Pringles, mail in your receipt, and get a speaker to snap onto one of your empty Pringles cans for a real hi-fi experience.
What's next from the grocery store? A Basic SPAMp?
Buy Pringles, mail in your receipt, and get a speaker to snap onto one of your empty Pringles cans for a real hi-fi experience.
What's next from the grocery store? A Basic SPAMp?
Soon I won't even be considered "geeky" anymore. Time to find a new level..
Obviously, you need one of these to set yourself apart from the DIY hoi polloi and geek pretenders:
And one of these cannot hurt a bit:
But, hey! You were doing it before it was fashionable. That counts more than anything!
edit (for you lazy people): Pringles Speaker Review on YouTube
5 speakers=cinqophonic/pentaphonic?