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New Parallax Product: Soylent Green ;-) — Parallax Forums

New Parallax Product: Soylent Green ;-)

Sal AmmoniacSal Ammoniac Posts: 213
edited 2011-09-07 17:13 in General Discussion

Remember folks, Soylent Green is People!


  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2011-09-06 14:43
    How long has that company been in business? I see a definite trademark conflict with their company name.

  • GordonMcCombGordonMcComb Posts: 3,366
    edited 2011-09-06 14:59
    From what I understand they need to be in similar markets, Phil. "Parallax" as a trade name is held by a number of different companies, in various types of markets.

    Looks like these guys specialize in package design. I think trouble might happen if they they put their name on the packaging for an electronics product. However, as package designers they're more likely to work for someone else who's name ultimately is on the box.

    Their name, quite obviously, comes from the fictitious organization in the movie The Parallax View.

    -- Gordon
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2011-09-06 16:01

    That's correct. However, they do sell products to companies like Think Geek. If it's done under their brand, rather than private-label, there could be market overlap and, hence, possible trademark infringement.

  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2011-09-06 16:30
    Back in the 80's I worked for Digital Equipment Corporation in the VMS OS group. DEC's flagship product was the VAX minicomputer. There was a British vacuum cleaner also called a VAX and apparently neither firm sued the other over infringement.

    The ads for the VAX had the line "Nothing sucks like a VAX." I won't even mention Clusters cereal.
  • GordonMcCombGordonMcComb Posts: 3,366
    edited 2011-09-06 17:37
    Thread drift here...

    Martin, In the early 90s I did consulting work for the legal department at DEC. They flew me out to beautiful downtown Maynard on a couple of occasions. (I actually stayed in nearby Concord, at the Colonel Roger Brown House -- do you know it?)

    DEC was still flying high at the time (though that wouldn't last long), and had their corporate helicopter. I rode it a few times on the way back to Logan. Beautiful Boston days each time, with big white clouds against a deep blue sky, rowers slipstreaming across the Charles.

    It's nothing like that now, of course... :lol:

    -- Gordon
  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2011-09-06 18:15
    I've been to Concord many times and know of the Colonel Roger Brown House, but I don't recall being inside it. Although I worked at DEC for six years, I never rode the DEC chopper. I'm somewhat jealous that you did as it looked like fun.

    For the most part the Boston area is much better off than during the early 90's. The collapse of DEC, Data General, and Wang in the early 90's caused a severe local recession and housing crash. That experience was fresh in people's minds during the naughts, so real estate got less frothy than elsewhere in the country. Now that the Big Dig is complete there's even less construction going on downtown.

    But I haven't been out to Maynard since I left DEC, so for all I know it might be a ghost town without DEC.
  • rod1963rod1963 Posts: 752
    edited 2011-09-06 19:10
    Sparkfun had a similar problem with Sun Microsystems in regards to their logo and name. Sun's legal raptors cost them a pretty penny to settle it.
  • Dr_AculaDr_Acula Posts: 5,484
    edited 2011-09-06 19:16
    Tastes just like Grandmas.

    Oh, the difference an apostrophe makes!
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2011-09-06 20:08
    How long has that company been in business? I see a definite trademark conflict with their company name.


    Maybe, but you guys are here and not on their forums so you obviously know where to go. I guess there's potential for confusion from a search engine standpoint, but the success of "Parallax Corp" doesn't hinge on baiting customers away from Parallax Inc. Aside from the ThinkGeek relationship they tend to be involved in a broad variety of product marketing/packaging/definition efforts for mainstream consumption.

    Phil, wouldn't this require the use of lawyers to resolve? Since we're your company and we're spending your money as if it were our own, would you really want such funds to go to helpful legal professionals? Nah. . .

    Still not sure what to make of the crackers. They must be made of lawyers. Gross.

    Ken Gracey
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2011-09-06 21:12
    Ken Gracey wrote:
    Phil, wouldn't this require the use of lawyers to resolve?
    Maybe, maybe not. My second cousin Rocco has a brother-in-law who knows some people who "take care of things", and he has a soft spot for Propellers. I could put you in touch... :)

  • danielp359danielp359 Posts: 1
    edited 2011-09-06 21:58
    Maybe, maybe not. My second cousin Rocco has a brother-in-law who knows some people who "take care of things", and he has a soft spot for Propellers. I could put you in touch... :)


    In any case, if someone wanted to get legalistic about this, it would be Paramount Pictures coming after Parallax Inc (founded 1987 and the many other companies trading under the name) for stealing THEIR 1974 trademark. And Paramount is more likely to have a cousin Rocco...
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2011-09-06 22:13
    danielp359 wrote: »
    In any case, if someone wanted to get legalistic about this, it would be Paramount Pictures coming after Parallax Inc (founded 1987 and the many other companies trading under the name) for stealing THEIR 1974 trademark. And Paramount is more likely to have a cousin Rocco...

    Hey, danielp359: welcome to the forums! Can't go unnoticed on a first post around here. We're pleased to have you join the forums. Please make yourself at home and don't be afraid to post questions and answers to anything of interest.

    Have an excellent evening,

    Ken Gracey
  • TorTor Posts: 2,010
    edited 2011-09-07 01:46
    One historic name collision was of course Apple Records vs. Apple the computer company.. Apple records was first (the Beatles' label), and sued, IIRC. But as they were in different markets they both got to keep the names.

    There's a washing detergent called Linux.. in a small computer shop in Darmstadt, Germany they had actually put a bag of Linux washing detergent in the window exhibition (just for the fun of it, presumably), among all the computers.

  • GadgetmanGadgetman Posts: 2,436
    edited 2011-09-07 02:09
    Loads of Parallax stuff out there...
    (About movies... )

    There's a gun store 'Parallax Tactical'

    Or maybe you want a new T-shirt?
  • Sal AmmoniacSal Ammoniac Posts: 213
    edited 2011-09-07 07:05
    Tor wrote: »
    One historic name collision was of course Apple Records vs. Apple the computer company.. Apple records was first (the Beatles' label), and sued, IIRC. But as they were in different markets they both got to keep the names.

    This was a 20 year ongoing battle. It was ultimately settled back around 2004 or so when Apple Computers paid Apple Corps around half a billion dollars for the Apple trademarks, which they then licensed back to the record company.

  • WBA ConsultingWBA Consulting Posts: 2,936
    edited 2011-09-07 10:41
    One of the best name debates is all about Nissan. Go to and try to buy a car.............. The lawsuit details are amazing.
  • PJAllenPJAllen Banned Posts: 5,065
    edited 2011-09-07 16:08
    I thought Nissan was cooler when it was Datsun. Nissan was all about trucks. When they went into cars they were so skittish about blowback that they invented 'Datsun' to keep their reps separate.
    Still not sure what to make of the crackers. They must be made of lawyers.
    I believe lawyers are the main ingredient in "Soylent Yellow".
  • Oldbitcollector (Jeff)Oldbitcollector (Jeff) Posts: 8,091
    edited 2011-09-07 17:13
    Nissan (older Nissan) cars were the bomb!

    I inherited one that was driven for 4 years by a postal employee, then I drove it for another 5. When I finally got tired of the cost of parts for the thing, I drove it to a auto recycle (scrap dealer), where they sold it to a dirt track who used it for demolition derby.

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