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Propeller and HMC5843 — Parallax Forums

Propeller and HMC5843

dwatkinsdwatkins Posts: 2
edited 2011-09-05 07:43 in Propeller 1
Hi guys,

Over the last year I have been working on an interesting project regarding swimming goggles and a type of head up display mechanism. It sounds very complex, but it really isn't. It essentially uses a compass module to obtain a bearing and uses LEDs as a form of output.

I have one working prototype that used Parallax's BS2 microcontroller and the HM55b compass module. As a beginner in electronics and programming I found the device easy to integrate and programme.

Currently I am working on a secondary prototype, this time minimising the electronics and making the whole device more efficient. I decided the 44-pin propeller chip was most appropriate as it had sufficient I/O's and could run at a lower voltage than the Stamp. I wanted a more accurate compass as well and selected the HMC5843.

Whilst I have made a new prototype board that is fully working I am struggling with the code. I can do simple functions such as illuminating LEDs and also make use of a pushbutton as an input.

Despite the drivers existing on the OBEX I am struggling to get the HMC5843 working. Any advice for:

i) Capturing a bearing from the HMC5843 at the push of a button.
ii)Comparing this captured bearing against the contantly updated bearing.

One final question, I haven't included a crystal on my board and am currently running off the internal timings. Do you feel it is critical for such an application?

Thanks for any help, it is much appreciated.



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