Switch VGA_HiRes_Text resolution on the fly...
Any ideas / suggestions on how to switch the HiRes_Text resolution "on the fly" while running? The resolution particulars are based on constants and a re-compile. I would like to just stop the driver, switch screen pointers and restart the vga driver in a new resolution.
Could it be as easy as having one vga driver file with... say, 1024x768 constants and naming it 1024x768.spin and then another (the same vga driver but with different resolution constants) and naming it 800x600.spin and placing both files in the OBJ section of the calling program (stopping one and starting the other)?
Could it be as easy as having one vga driver file with... say, 1024x768 constants and naming it 1024x768.spin and then another (the same vga driver but with different resolution constants) and naming it 800x600.spin and placing both files in the OBJ section of the calling program (stopping one and starting the other)?