Battery Problem
I am trying to power a Propeller with four AAA batteries in series. 3.3 voltage regulator from the Parallax Store. 0.1 uF capacitor on the unregulated voltage, 10 uF capacitor on the regulated voltage. No matter how simple I make my circuit, the program will not run unless I limit it to a single cog. The moment I start a second cog, the propeller dies, as if I pulled the plug. I've tried fiddling with the capacitors, disabling the built-in brownout detector, and removing EEPROM. The only solution seems to be AC power: I just can't get it to run off these (tested good, brand new) batteries.
When you say "tested good" how did you test them? Dead batteries will still read almost normal voltage levels without a load.
If it helps, I tried putting an LED across Vss and Vdd (with a proper resistor). It never dims or goes out noticeably.
To eliminate bad components, I tried with a second breadboard and a new set of (fresh) components, all from Parallax. Same effect.
I tried with four brand new AA batteries. Same effect.
I'd agree with this diagnosis - I've been hit in the past by some cheap battery holders that have dodgy riveted contacts (leading to sporadic intermittent behaviour), this would explain the behaviour nicely.