Hey, I'm creating a PCB and i'm trying to add a USB programming port directly on to it (this is my first time ever making my own USB circuit). At first i was looking at FT232RL chip because parallax has documentation over its circuitry but i find the chip consuming too much space. I read a thread on using the CP2102 from silabs to program the prop and was wondering if anyone could help me understand the connections involved.
worked both well.
The CP2102 is powered through USB and includes a 100mA 3.3V supply.
To create the reset-impulse you have to insert a 0,1µF capacitor between DTR-line and the Reset-Input-Pin of the propellerchip
datasheet can be found here.
keep the questions coming
best regards
and heres the link to that thread that i found:
Thanks for the help.
I would however use the full transistor circuit (at least provide the circuit for it on your pcb just in case) because the capacitor may not work in all circumstances.
The CP2102 is only available in QFN which is very difficult to hand solder. Many find the FT232RL difficult enough to hand solder although I have not found any problems.
To get to the heart of your question, the FTDI chip is not much different in price to the CP2102 in low quantities so it comes down to space. As Mike said, the FTDI chip has been proven to work reliably over time whereas the other chips have had a very checkered history. The circuit of the FT232RL is similar to the CP2102 and is definately no more complicated. My research over the past few weeks meant I concluded that I would continue to use the FTDI chip.
Have you layed out pcbs before, and do you have the ability for soldering the QFN chip? IMHO... If so, then the CP2102 will probably work fine for you. If not, go the safer route and use the FT232RL.
Thanks for all the help.