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Blue Wolf FlashFly USB Kit Ready To Go — Parallax Forums

Blue Wolf FlashFly USB Kit Ready To Go

miketoomiketoo Posts: 8
edited 2012-12-11 07:33 in Accessories
Just installed the Flash Fly USB modules. As advertised, it worked right out of the
box.... "worked" meaning using the X-CTU software, it detects the modem.
I am able to receive messages being sent from the Stamp and I am able to send/receive
text from the terminal tab. HOWEVER, when I try to load a program from the
Stamp Editor (V 2.5.2), I get the "No Stamp Found" message. The form has a hit but
it refers to a DTR line that must be connected to ATM. The references schematic
on pg 28 of the Basic Stamp Ref refers to a USB to serial adapter. I don't have any
serial connectins. The BOE is a USB devise and the remote XBEE board is the
USB adapter that uses the FTDI USB serial interface chip. I'm using Windows 7
which supports this device.

Do I need to do something in the setup to allow the BOE to recognize the Basic Stamp
on the Flash Fly adapter board ???


  • miketoomiketoo Posts: 8
    edited 2011-09-03 04:39
    :smile: Found the problem. Seems the comm tests in the documentation are just testing the XBEE modules. They do not use the Basic Stamp at this point other than to get power. To bring the Basic Stamp
    into the project, you have to use the Basic Stamp Editor (Run > Identify > Refresh) to find the XBEE
    comm port.
  • CrazyrabbitCrazyrabbit Posts: 116
    edited 2011-09-07 03:32
    I'll give it a shot. I have the exact same problem and gave up on finding the software for the Blue Wolf downloads. The XBee works fine with both the Blue Wolf and XBee boards as far as the loop test goes. I am no programming wiz for sure.
  • CrazyrabbitCrazyrabbit Posts: 116
    edited 2011-09-09 02:40
    Still having problems. I found out my old Toshiba laptop (vintage 2002) cannot open the drivers for Blue Wolf and XBee drivers. They are FIDIBUS and PRO files. I googled them and only found sites you have to pay. Doese anyone know where I can obtain software to open these files. Stuck for now.
  • bridger deschampsbridger deschamps Posts: 17
    edited 2011-10-09 21:25
    Hey I had the same problem with this. I flowed the instructions and talk with them on the phone for a wile to try to figure it out and no body could. so i just tryed to upload the code to the xbee with the firmware that it said was on there instead of putting a different piece of firmware on there and it worked. I had to stay with 10ec. tell me if this works.
  • bridger deschampsbridger deschamps Posts: 17
    edited 2011-10-09 21:28
    for the files you should be able to open them in the x-ctu software. then it will go in and change all the things for you. and if you whant to do it the hard way open it up with note pad and go in and do it manually.
  • CrazyrabbitCrazyrabbit Posts: 116
    edited 2011-10-11 15:48
    I gave up and went with the wireless USB hub for now. Much easier but not the range of the XBee. A bonus with the USB wireless hub is adding a webcam. I decided not to re configure the XBee and keep at factory settings for other projects. Mabe something easier will come along in the future. You may see the Flashfly up on Ebay soon.
  • mb4540mb4540 Posts: 1
    edited 2012-12-01 17:10
    I am having the exact same problem. The BlueWolf xbee module will communicate back and forth with the loop test but the Basic Stamp IDE will not identify the com port. Anyone have suggetsions?
  • Blue WolfBlue Wolf Posts: 7
    edited 2012-12-11 07:33
    Hi There,

    In the Stamp Editor software, please try going to the "RUN" Menu, then the "Identify" option under that menu. Be sure to only enable the "COMM" port that shows up for the USB Base device. Please refer to the FAQ on the site if you need further help. - Thanks
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