Preferred Serial Printers?

I'm looking for a serial printer that I can drive from a basic stamp (or from a buffered basic stamp...) Ideally a thermal printer that I can just SEROUT to with a few lines of data (basically, start count, end count, date & time and probably a couple of line feeds so the user can tear off the ticket). Is there a particular printer that seems to be a favorite for ease of use amongst us?
I have one of these from SparkFun.
It's nice and small. Although I've had it for several months, I still haven't taken the time to try it out.
I plan to use it with a Propeller but I still have a couple Basic Stamps I could dust off to try it with.
Let me know if you have any questions about it that you think I might be able to answer.
... with one external IC and a Basic Stamp II it shows an example of how to communicate via CTP (Centronics Transmission Protocol ) using I2C
I think originally I saw this discussed as a data logger on an alarm system to create a hard copy printed event log.<yp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar&_lwgsi=y
I believe this fits the bill nicely. Other non-windows printers may work as well, and since my friend's buying the parts and has a fairly nice budget, the $200+ items may work fine also, but I'll definitely try the SparkFun unit first. I'm still open to other finds/suggestions should any pop into mind. eBay and one-off's won't work because if this first option works, he'll want a few more.
Thanks everybody!
Good call, PhiPi! I emailed that seller and bought that printer for $25 shipped. I hope it's easy to connect to. It can be powered by 5 C-cells, so now I can have a mobile robot with an onboard printer!
26‑1261 $99.95 [RSC‑12] Low-Cost Thermal Matrix Printer with Graphics
Ideal for the TRS-80 Color Computer
Prints Graphics and Alphanumerics
Whisper Queiet - Measures 3 x 8 x 5"
Prints 32 characters per line at 30 characters per second on 4-1/8"-wide thermal paper. Features include elongation mode for expanded print and a special repeat function to make graphics programming easier. Color Computer-compatible serial interface only. U.L. Listed.
Specifications: Print Density: 5, 10 cpi. Print Speed: 30 cps. Character Set: 96 ASCII, 16 graphics. Line Spacing: 1/6". Dimensions: 3 x 8 x 5". Weight: 3-1/2 lbs. Power: 5 "C" batteries or 120VAC, 60 Hz, 18W.