USB Proto Bd #32212: Boot Loader issue when not Connected to USB
Ok, new issue... lol!
The attached spin code works flawlessly when connected to USB host communications.
+250Vdc high voltage ramps in ~ 400ms as designed/expected via A/DC and SSR control.
with USB disconnected, it works but becomes extremely slow in the refrsh rate... It seems to be rebooting but only when USB is disconnected...
Any ideas?
Ok, new issue... lol!
The attached spin code works flawlessly when connected to USB host communications.
+250Vdc high voltage ramps in ~ 400ms as designed/expected via A/DC and SSR control.
with USB disconnected, it works but becomes extremely slow in the refrsh rate... It seems to be rebooting but only when USB is disconnected...
Any ideas?
Yes Dave. It's a known problem and is described in many threads. Just don't have a link handy, so please search for threads on Propeller rebooting or USB problems or similar. Hopefully someone will chime in with a link for you (just busy at the mo'). Most likely you have a serial object loaded using pins P30 & P31. What happens is that the output from the prop partially powers the FTDI chip via P30 which causes resets to be issued to the propeller. Just disable your serial object and all should be good.
Bs2 functions out the door for the mS, uS and ADC control.... Arghhhh.... lol!
I'll give it a shot using other ADC code & waitcnt and post the results...
Thanks for the reply...
I would suggest trying BS2.start(31,x) where x= an unused prop pin (if you have one) or try x=-1 (because some drivers detect a negative value for non-existent pins). Note I know nothing about the BS2 driver.
BS2.Start(31,31) .....
Wholly Smile, Friggin worked... Awesome, thanks Mike!