PST work with BST?
PST is not working with the serial terminal in BST.
Are these fully compatible?
If it should work, I'll post more details.
Are these fully compatible?
If it should work, I'll post more details.
what exacly do you mean with PST is not working with the serial terminal in BST?
BST has its own serial terminal to receive serial data from the propeller.
So you don't need an extra serial terminal. You can even jump between BST-editor downloading code and BST-implemented serial terminal automatically:
opening and closing the serial port is done automatically by BST.
Or do you mean the PST-object - the SPIN-code for the propeller?
For this pair the parameter must be configured the same.
Baudrate and mode.
Please write more about your configuration and the results you get.
keep the questions coming
best regards
Mike Green:
Thank you for your reply. This is precisely what I need to know. The PST object was sending control sequences which the BST serial terminal did not recognize.