Barely balancing
This is the chassis I bought off another thread. I have spent the last several days trying to get it to balance with an imu but I still have a ways to go. So instead I've attached a ping to the front bottom (I know a broken ping in waiting). You can probably see the imu mounted on the bottom plate and all of the cabling hanging around. Using the ping I hardly had to tune the pid (you can propably tell by the numbers). It was a fun time out, now back to the imu.
Con _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x _xinfreq = 5_000_000 sp = 23350.0 pwm = 0 Obj pd : "pid" pw : "pwmx8" Var long a, b Pub main pw.start(pwm,%00001111,10000) ''kp, ki, kd, setpoint, offset, max area, min area pd.init(0.9, 0.9, 0.09, sp, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) repeat a := ticks(7) b := pd.calculate(a) motors(b, b-12) waitcnt(clkfreq/700 + cnt) Pub motors(left, right) ''set the speed of the left and right wheel motors, -255 max.reverse to 255 max.forward, 0=stop left := -255 #> left <# 255 ''limit left motor speed from -255 to 255 right := -255 #> right <# 255 ''limit right motor speed from -255 to 255 ifnot left & $80_00_00_00 ''check sign bit for left motor speed amount pw.duty(pwm, 0) ''set pwm output for pwm base pin to 0 pw.duty(pwm + 1, left & $ff) ''set pwm output for left base pin + 1 limited to 255 else pw.duty(pwm, (0 - left) & $ff) ''set pwm output for left base pin limited to 255 pw.duty(pwm + 1, 0) ''set pwm output for pwm base pin + 1 to 0 ifnot right & $80_00_00_00 ''check sign bit for right motor speed amount pw.duty(pwm + 2, right & $ff) ''set pwm output for right base pin + 2 limited to 255 pw.duty(pwm + 3, 0) ''set pwm output for right base pin + 3 to 0 else pw.duty(pwm + 2, 0) ''set pwm output for right base pin + 2 to 0 pw.duty(pwm + 3, (0 - right) & $ff) ''set pwm output for right base pin + 3 limited to 255 Pub ticks(pin)| cnt1, cnt2 ''Return Ping)))'s full ultrasonic travel time in clockticks outa[pin]~ ' Clear I/O Pin dira[pin]~~ ' Make Pin Output outa[pin]~~ ' Set I/O Pin outa[pin]~ ' Clear I/O Pin (> 2 µs pulse) dira[pin]~ ' Make I/O Pin Input waitpne(0, |< pin, 0) ' Wait For Pin To Go HIGH cnt1 := cnt ' Store Current Counter Value waitpeq(0, |< pin, 0) ' Wait For Pin To Go LOW cnt2 := cnt ' Store New Counter Value return ||(cnt1-cnt2) ' Return Ping's full time of travel in clockticks
Nice work.
Edit:Thank you everybody!