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Upgrading to SPIN — Parallax Forums

Upgrading to SPIN

GrantmcFGrantmcF Posts: 30
edited 2011-08-30 04:22 in Propeller 1
I have a project I was developing in Pbasic on a BS2P chip. The available memory has become a limiting factor, and I have decided to upgrade to the SPIN chip and software. I am looking for someone with SPIN experience in the Denver area who would be willing to consult and help speed things along as I learn the SPIN language. Any takers?


  • max72max72 Posts: 1,155
    edited 2011-08-29 08:51
    I'm far away from you, but if you don't mind I would like to make a couple of suggestions.
    Obviously if you have someone close able to spend a couple of hours with you you'll gain a lot, nonetheless..
    Starting from scratch requires some time. Moreover the Propeller has the 8 COGs that require some time to get used to.
    Sooner or later you'll need to approach the multicog way of thinking (probably sooner) so don't run away from it.
    You could try one of the Basic programmers available fo the propeller, coming from Pbasic would ease the approach.
    If you want to use spin, check the obex. Working objects are a great learning tool, and many times you'll find 90% of the job already done, with only the "gluing logic" missing...
    This forum is very helpful so probably you can solve a lot of issues here, simply remember to describe what you did and what you want to achieve, and post your full code...
    Have fun,
  • GrantmcFGrantmcF Posts: 30
    edited 2011-08-29 14:09
    I understand the benefits of moving to the propeller chip, and I'm making my way through the books, but I have a specific project in mind and would like to speed things up. Getting local assistance can prevent sidetracks. Although this forum is a great help, I hope to patent my idea and therefore it's not good to put too much of it out in public. So still looking for local help in Denver area.
  • max72max72 Posts: 1,155
    edited 2011-08-29 23:41
    Ok, anyway local assistance is usually the best way to kick start..
    Good luck with your project!
  • TubularTubular Posts: 4,726
    edited 2011-08-30 04:22
    OBC had us all update our locations on this map a little while ago. I see there are a couple of users around Denver - perhaps there is someone nearby you could private message them to start with. I!-Please-pinpoint-yourself!-Let-s-update-our-map!

    btw don't necessarily treat the head locations as 'exact' - it depends on how far zoomed in they were when they placed their 'pin' in. Bit like pin the tail on the donkey...

    Good luck!
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