Prop IDE compile error?
Anyone run into this sort of 'error'? In the 'fix_hex' PUB, originally I had '=>' instead of '>=' and all I got was an '00' result on the LCD. But the compiler did NOT post any sign of an error. Took a lot of head scratching until I narrowed the problem down to that line; it was never taking that path, just the 'else',
Does '=>' have any meaning? If not why not a Compile error?
Does '=>' have any meaning? If not why not a Compile error?
PUB wr_hex n := chr ' save value chr >>= 4 ' get ms nybble fix_hex ' convert to ASCii chr := n & $0F ' get ls nybble fix_hex PUB fix_hex if chr >= 10 ' check if greater than 9 (A..F) chr += $37 ' form ASCII 'A'..'F' else chr += $30 ' else, form '0'..'9' wr_LCD