Questions about PASD
Hello again,
I'm trying to write my driver for LCD based on this guide
my code:
I'am debugging my driver by PASD
Thank to Stefan and Frank I modified my code in LcdDat
but i dont uderstand what pasd is doing, you can see the shot here
These shot describes how call LCDdat ,load 40 DEC on cmd var, copy cmd var to t2
but it doesn't work

any suggestions ?:)
I'm trying to write my driver for LCD based on this guide
my code:
I'am debugging my driver by PASD
Thank to Stefan and Frank I modified my code in LcdDat
but i dont uderstand what pasd is doing, you can see the shot here
These shot describes how call LCDdat ,load 40 DEC on cmd var, copy cmd var to t2
but it doesn't work

any suggestions ?:)
it works thanks
Also note that or is cumulative, i.e. you keep or'ing stuff to the data bus (outa[10..13], or outa, t2) which means that once it reaches %1111 you're stuck there.
I'am sure you are right because your experience,
my purpose is update the port without overwrite all bits
I understood ...Thanks kuroneko, thank for your time
if I do a andn directly with outa as destination am I right that this will result in the involved bits turn to zero and then with the or some of them turn on again?
If so this should only be done if the logic levels of the connected device are not "taken in" immediatly f.e because there is a "data-valid" or latch-input wich must have a certain state
to "take in" the logic levels "sended" from the prop-pins.
In case of logic levels are taken in immediatly into the other device I would have to go the way
- copying actual state of outa to a temporary long
- clearing the involved bits
- oring the new bits to the temporary long
- writing (not "OR"ing) the new 32bit value to outa
best regards
That is why the use of AND or XOR are good to know. But I'm starting to think that the MUXs could become my main bit handlers.
As to the source for code, have you checked the object exchange OBEX? There are a number of display drivers including those for common LCD panels that may be easier to alter to meet your needs. They may only require minor modifications of say pin selections etc. Easier than starting from a different device.