Best Prop Board for project

I currently am putting together a project (almost done) I'm currently using this box:

to hold the guts LCD Display, RFID and Button w/LED. And I'm shopping for a good Prop board to go in it. Which product would you guys (I mean Parallax staff or VIP's) recommend?
I'm leaning toward the Prop Stick, but not sure about voltage regulators ... currently I'm using the PPDB rev. A ... which already has 5v and 3.3v reg. on board. Reg. on Prop Stick may not be enough to handle hardware I have attached.

Maybe the C3, I'm just not sure?
Oh yes, I will be ordering today! (Kind of in a hurry)
... Tim
I currently am putting together a project (almost done) I'm currently using this box:

to hold the guts LCD Display, RFID and Button w/LED. And I'm shopping for a good Prop board to go in it. Which product would you guys (I mean Parallax staff or VIP's) recommend?
I'm leaning toward the Prop Stick, but not sure about voltage regulators ... currently I'm using the PPDB rev. A ... which already has 5v and 3.3v reg. on board. Reg. on Prop Stick may not be enough to handle hardware I have attached.

Maybe the C3, I'm just not sure?
Oh yes, I will be ordering today! (Kind of in a hurry)
... Tim
Why not the GadgetGangster?
It looks like you'd only use the C3's SD card slot.
To me, your project screams Propeller Proto Board. It looks like your enclosure is large enough. The PPB has decent voltage regulators.
You'd want to decide if you want the USB version or not. The USB version costs more than the non-USB version but less than a non-USB and a Prop Plug.
... Tim
After I posted my suggestion, I took another look at the GG board. It's a nice board. It has a uSD card reader, which is nice.
I still think the Proto Board is a better match for your project. Besides being less expensive (even after buying a SD card adapter), it has the prototyping area to solder you extra doodads (I assume you want all the items on the PPDB's breadboard added to whatever board you buy).
I'm researching your suggestion ... you may be correct ... and no, I don't plan on everything being used on PPDB. I just liike the 31 bytes is has for RAM in the clock chip. But, the GadgetGangster board has 64K EEPROM I could store my extra stuff in there and wouldn't need the clock chip in this app.
Plus, I have SD breakout board I'm using now ... I could use that in the Proto Board, which I like better than those tiny little micro-SD chips (bad eyes at my age) and I could use my spare 32K EEPROM to hold stuff on.
... Tim
The Proto Board also has 64K EEPROM.
I was going to edit my post after seeing that it has a 64K EEPROM! Your to quick on the draw!
Anyway, I ordered the 4 USB for 99.99 just a little bit ago.
... Tim
I don't know how pretty you need it to be, but the price (free with purchase) is nice.
Are you kidding ... I can't even see those little guys to put them in right side up!
... Tim
Me neither, so I got an assortment of cheap reading glasses from the dollar store. The -2.50 and -3.75 make those things look as big as a house! Of course, I have to get my face REALLY close and risk burning my nose. And the family thinks I look totally dorky, but that's already a given.
Do you mean the micro chip itself?
... Tim
At first I soldered ribbon cables to the adapter, then somebody pointed out its easier to solder a row of 8 pin headers directly to the SD adapter.
After the pin header is soldered to the adapter, I lay a 10 pin 10k resistor pack across the pins so the common is hanging off the end. Bend up the two pins in the middle that line up with +5v and clock, these don't like a pull up on them. Then put a jumper beteen the 5v pin and the common and a jumper between the two Ground (I don't know it if this is necessary but I do it). Last there is a 0.1 uF (?) capacitor across +5v and ground.
There is some comment there about shutting down the site shortly!
... Tim
A word of warning about the PPB USB.
There is a problem with the board resetting if you transmit on P30 without being connected to a computer.
You either need to comment out all the debug commands or use some other method of keeping the Prop from transmitting on P30 when not connected via USB.
I cut the USB portion out of one of my USB Proto Boards and used it as a Prop Plug.
It solved the reset problem and gave me another Prop Plug.
Thankyou so much!!!!
Great help!!!
It's not that I'm a coward to solder ... It's just I prefer a 'plug' ... I'll be purchasing some of those full size one's before they become out dated!
... Tim
Thankyou for the heads up!!! I'll hang on to that piece of info
... Tim
I always find out stuff too late ... of course I ordered the 4 proto (usb) boards, and as usual ... there is an acc. kit that goes with it for keyboard, mouse, and VGA port. But the only mention of the option on the web page I ordered from was so well hidden, I didn't see it on the way through the ordering process!
but I like the look of your boards!! I'm in Awe!
I think what you have is more to my needs ... although the proto boards will work. I'm just curious ... do you have any with IR receivers on them? I like the fact that a infrared module only uses 1 prop pin, and offers so many keys to the user. I've seen a lot of boards with the SD or microSD already mounted, but am unaware of any with the infrared mounted on board?
... Tim