Propeller Serial Tool - DONE for PC MAC & LINUX - using Realbasic!
I have been reading some threads here regarding writing a serial tool for prop, and I decided to make one myself.
This took me a few hours, ( I did have some code bits elsewhere that got me started)
Attached are 3 versions of the same app for PC, MAC(intel) and LINUX.
I wrote this on a MAC, I have tested the MAC version, but not the others, so I would like anyone with a PC or LINUX machine to try out.
Just so you know, when I wrote this I did NOT have MAC "HAT" ON, or a PC or LINUX "HAT" either. Thats been the main point of what I have posted in various other replies.
To make the PC & LINUX BUILD's I did nothing extra, in realbasic you just set the build options of all the platforms you want to build for and PRESS ONE BUTTON, and a folder with all the builds will be created.
Please let me know if these version work for you.
I am willing to post the full source project if anyone asks
This is a very basic serial port terminal GUI with nothing fancy, the idea was to code the very least to get it to work. from here we can modify it to be as sophisticated as you wish.
So far the BUAD RATE is set ( hard coded) at 57600, 8,N,1 so make sure you "CONNECT" with those settings.
Instructions to operate.
1) Open /run the application
2) click "scan ports" button
3) choose a port form the popup menu
4) click "CONNECT"
5) click "START" this starts the READING of the serial port and is written to the large text area.
6) type any command or characters into the first edit box ( left side of SEND button)
7) Press the "SEND" button ( your message will be sent to the serial device and the message text will clear)
8) if your command get a response from your prop serial device it should appear in the large text area.
9) The CLEAR Button clears the received text area, but does not stop the port.
As I said I have written the absolute bare minimum as a starting point.
The "SerialTool" is the Linux Version
"" is the MAC(intel) version,
and the "SerialTool.exe" is of course the windows version.
Oh and one more thing, there is nothing "Propeller like" for this app, yet!
Dave M
I have been reading some threads here regarding writing a serial tool for prop, and I decided to make one myself.
This took me a few hours, ( I did have some code bits elsewhere that got me started)
Attached are 3 versions of the same app for PC, MAC(intel) and LINUX.
I wrote this on a MAC, I have tested the MAC version, but not the others, so I would like anyone with a PC or LINUX machine to try out.
Just so you know, when I wrote this I did NOT have MAC "HAT" ON, or a PC or LINUX "HAT" either. Thats been the main point of what I have posted in various other replies.
To make the PC & LINUX BUILD's I did nothing extra, in realbasic you just set the build options of all the platforms you want to build for and PRESS ONE BUTTON, and a folder with all the builds will be created.
Please let me know if these version work for you.
I am willing to post the full source project if anyone asks
This is a very basic serial port terminal GUI with nothing fancy, the idea was to code the very least to get it to work. from here we can modify it to be as sophisticated as you wish.
So far the BUAD RATE is set ( hard coded) at 57600, 8,N,1 so make sure you "CONNECT" with those settings.
Instructions to operate.
1) Open /run the application
2) click "scan ports" button
3) choose a port form the popup menu
4) click "CONNECT"
5) click "START" this starts the READING of the serial port and is written to the large text area.
6) type any command or characters into the first edit box ( left side of SEND button)
7) Press the "SEND" button ( your message will be sent to the serial device and the message text will clear)
8) if your command get a response from your prop serial device it should appear in the large text area.
9) The CLEAR Button clears the received text area, but does not stop the port.
As I said I have written the absolute bare minimum as a starting point.
The "SerialTool" is the Linux Version
"" is the MAC(intel) version,
and the "SerialTool.exe" is of course the windows version.
Oh and one more thing, there is nothing "Propeller like" for this app, yet!
Dave M
I will give this a try when I get a chance (Windoze XP) - just busy right now. A cross-platform serial tool will be a great addition.
Good project , I left windows few month ago...I use it just for Propeller
Windows XP SP3
SerialTool can rx string from propeller serial demo but I cant send any char to board...C3 doesn't answer
C3 is configured like 57600 8,n,1
Pst works.
On linux my test is in working progress
Hi Mazzini,
If its reciving then the settings are correct,
Have a look at your "COMMAND" strings/characters that is programmed into your propeller code.
Please show an example of what you have in their..
Does your app require a delimiter for the end of each command?
dave M
This is the code
look at "pst.Str(String("Enter a decimal value: ")) <
On linux
My FTDI driver is on ttyUSB0. Your Scan port doesn't work so I cant set the right tty
BST terminal works.
give me a little time I will try to have a look today, I do want to get the BASIC's right first before ai ad any fancy features.
I do have a PC with XP on it, I will test out this app on that if I get a chance.
Dave M