Seeking Advice for small SDCard Object for accessing the Spinner based SDcard

Im currently using Kwabena Agyemans S35390A FATEngine.SPIN to access the SDCard on my Spinner server and it works great. Too good in fact I hate to let it go. My code is growing and I need more room in RAM for SPINN code. The FATEngine.SPIN is H U G E and I have spent some time looking on the OBEX for an alternative and I thought I would seek the advice of this forum before I just pick one and start basing my code on it. Kwabenas code is absolutely rock solid and very easy to workwith he did a great job!! Im looking for the same quality of code but I dont need all the functionally in his FATEngine.SPIN. I could get by with just accessing the root directory and sticking with a FAT16 no FAT32 to reduce the size.
Any Suggestions?
Any Suggestions?
Removing the lower level features will just make your device unreliable. So the best approach is todo what I mention above.
The propforth SD test in the regression suite shows how this can be done using the spinneret. You can use the forth as an example if you prefer to re-do it in spin.
Thanks Cluso I did check this option as you suggest and it did the trick!! Great input! I’m back up and going!!
I like this idea! For this project I need the file access as I’m serving XML and HTML files from the SD Card. This allows me to create web pages on my desktop and copy them to the card for distribution. Thanks I will keep this in mind for a future project!
Thats just it I didnt comment out anything I just selected the option to remove unused code. It works great when that is not selected. Im a little concerned about using a non-Parallax compiler I dont want to interject bugs into my code. Have you had good success with the BST? Is it a proven stable development environment? Im on Windows 7 if that makes a difference. All the conversations I see on the BST thread seem to be around the Mac version.
If this has been rock solid for people then I will dig into what the heck is going on in my version. If you see bugs every now and then I dont want to mess with it. Thanks very much!
BST only removes unused public functions... nothing else. Touching the ASM or PRI functions will break stuff always.
Here's another idea: If you reformat the SD card so that the whole thing isn't used, you will have a bunch of sectors above the top of the file system which the OS will never touch. All you need to know is where the empty space starts and you can write directly to those sectors with your very simple code, use Kye's SD driver to do the conversion to regular FAT, and put the same card in your PC adapter without messing up the original data.
Thanks Kye I will comment out the methods i don't use and see how far I get. Sorry i didn't get back to you yesterday I been head deep in HTTP Response formatting and coding the last two days. Thank god for Mike G - Multi-Socket Server!! Thanks again for all your help!!