Propeller Basic Servocontroller
here is a servo controller for the propeller written in propbasic. Comments/critics/suggestion are always very welcome. Of course the easy way would be to use pulsout, but this way you can only control up to 9 servos with one cog, if you wish to renew the pulse train ever 20 msec. Thats some wasting of ressources. Here is a program that controls 24 servos (I need 18+ for a hexapod), could also be expanded to32 servos. The output was checked with the Logicport LA, one of the best instruments I have ever used, excellent price/perf ratio.
During development of the software I would have liked to be able to have indexed PINs, but PIN(i)=x is not possible (yet?). Will there be an object oriented PropBasic in the (near?) future? Calling TASKs in newly started cogs with parameters via a stack would be a nice first step.
Regards, Fried
here is a servo controller for the propeller written in propbasic. Comments/critics/suggestion are always very welcome. Of course the easy way would be to use pulsout, but this way you can only control up to 9 servos with one cog, if you wish to renew the pulse train ever 20 msec. Thats some wasting of ressources. Here is a program that controls 24 servos (I need 18+ for a hexapod), could also be expanded to32 servos. The output was checked with the Logicport LA, one of the best instruments I have ever used, excellent price/perf ratio.
During development of the software I would have liked to be able to have indexed PINs, but PIN(i)=x is not possible (yet?). Will there be an object oriented PropBasic in the (near?) future? Calling TASKs in newly started cogs with parameters via a stack would be a nice first step.
Regards, Fried
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' File...... ServoPuls.pbas ' Author.... fgvissel 24.08.2011 ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ----- Device Settings ------------------------------------------------ DEVICE P8X32A, XTAL1, PLL16X XIN 5_000_000 ' ----- Conditional Compilation Symbols -------------------------------- ' ----- Constants ------------------------------------------------------ HIGHCNT CON 444 'Dummy Constant for inner Servo loops, can never 'reach 0 whithin 400 loop cycles ' ----- IO Pins -------------------------------------------------------- ServoGrp1 PIN 0..7 Low ServoGrp2 PIN 8..15 Low ServoGRp3 PIN 16..23 Low P0 PIN 0 P1 PIN 1 P2 PIN 2 P3 PIN 3 P4 PIN 4 P5 PIN 5 P6 PIN 6 P7 PIN 7 P8 PIN 8 P9 PIN 9 P10 PIN 10 P11 PIN 11 P12 PIN 12 P13 PIN 13 P14 PIN 14 P15 PIN 15 P16 PIN 16 P17 PIN 17 P18 PIN 18 P19 PIN 19 P20 PIN 20 P21 PIN 21 P22 PIN 22 P23 PIN 23 PTest PIN 24 '<--------------- Test only -------------------------- ' ----- Shared (HUB) Variables (Byte, Word, Long) ---------------------- Servo_set HUB LONG (24) ' ----- User Data (DATA, WDATA, LDATA, FILE) --------------------------- ' ----- TASK Definitions ----------------------------------------------- ' ----- Local Variables (LONG only) ------------------------------------ loopcnt VAR LONG i VAR LONG k VAR long delta VAR LONG smdelta VAR LONG target VAR LONG smtarget VAR LONG pos VAR LONG (24) 'position for each servo ' ----- SUB and FUNC Definitions --------------------------------------- PROGRAM Start Start: wrlong Servo_set(0), 400,360,320,300,280,220,210,200 wrlong Servo_set(8), 200,210,220,230,240,250,260,270 wrlong Servo_set(16), 400,390,380,370,360,350,340,320 Main: ServoGrp1 = $00 'all pins low ServoGrp2 = $00 ServoGrp3 = $00 delta = _FREQ / 50 'For MainLoop, run every 20 msec target = cnt + delta MainLoop: 'every 20 msec pulsout PTest, 1000 '<----- Trigger Pulse for LA, Test only ------- for i = 0 to 23 'Get target servo positions from HUB Ram rdlong Servo_set(i),pos(i) next smdelta = _Freq / 200_000 'small delta for inner loops, 5 usecs, Loopcnt = 400 'enough time for all loop instructions (~280usec) '----- This is for the 2. Group of 8 Servos----- ServoGrp1 = $FF 'all servos in group1 high smtarget = cnt + smdelta 'time stamp Do 'This is for the 1. Group of 8 Servos djnz pos(7), cont6 'Pulse resolution is 400 for full scale, P7 = 0 'so we have 100/400 = 0.25%, or if the total angle is 180° Pos(7) = HIGHCNT 'this means 180/400 = 0,45°, better than most servos will do cont6: djnz pos(6), cont5 P6 = 0 Pos(6) = HIGHCNT cont5: djnz pos(5), cont4 P5 = 0 Pos(5) = HIGHCNT cont4: djnz pos(4), cont3 P4 = 0 Pos(4) = HIGHCNT cont3: djnz pos(3), cont2 P3 = 0 Pos(3) = HIGHCNT cont2: djnz pos(2), cont1 P2 = 0 Pos(2) = HIGHCNT cont1: djnz pos(1), cont0 P1 = 0 Pos(1) = HIGHCNT cont0: djnz pos(0), conti1 P0 = 0 Pos(1) = HIGHCNT conti1: waitcnt smtarget, smdelta loop Loopcnt '----- This is for the 2. Group of 8 Servos----- ServoGrp2 = $FF 'all servos in group2 high Loopcnt = 400 smtarget = cnt + smdelta 'time stamp Do djnz pos(15), cont14 P15 = 0 Pos(15) = HIGHCNT cont14: djnz pos(14), cont13 P14 = 0 Pos(14) = HIGHCNT cont13: djnz pos(13), cont12 P13 = 0 Pos(13) = HIGHCNT cont12: djnz pos(12), cont11 P12 = 0 Pos(12) = HIGHCNT cont11: djnz pos(11), cont10 P11 = 0 Pos(11) = HIGHCNT cont10: djnz pos(10), cont9 P10 = 0 Pos(10) = HIGHCNT cont9: djnz pos(9), cont8 P9 = 0 Pos(9) = HIGHCNT cont8: djnz pos(8), conti2 P8 = 0 Pos(8) = HIGHCNT conti2: waitcnt smtarget, smdelta loop Loopcnt '----- This is for the 3. Group of 8 Servos----- ServoGrp3 = $FF 'all servos in group3 high Loopcnt = 400 smtarget = cnt + smdelta 'time stamp Do djnz pos(23), cont22 P23 = 0 Pos(23) = HIGHCNT cont22: djnz pos(22), cont21 P22 = 0 Pos(22) = HIGHCNT cont21: djnz pos(21), cont20 P21 = 0 Pos(21) = HIGHCNT cont20: djnz pos(20), cont19 P20 = 0 Pos(20) = HIGHCNT cont19: djnz pos(19), cont18 P19 = 0 Pos(19) = HIGHCNT cont18: djnz pos(18), cont17 P18 = 0 Pos(10) = HIGHCNT cont17: djnz pos(17), cont16 P17 = 0 Pos(17) = HIGHCNT cont16: djnz pos(16), conti3 P16 = 0 Pos(16) = HIGHCNT conti3: waitcnt smtarget, smdelta loop Loopcnt waitcnt target, delta goto MainLoop goto Main END ' ----- SUB and FUNC Code ---------------------------------------------- ' ----- TASK Code ------------------------------------------------------ ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------