HP's ftp gone?
My niece's HP Mini 110-1125NR died today at school with the dreaded "cmos checksum error" after doing some googling I found out I need the file "sp47135.exe" and extract the amiboot.rom file. So I went to HP to try to download the needed file only to find out I can't download it.
So I pinged ftp://ftp.hp.com and discovered the ftp no longer exists.:( I've found other sites that have the file I need but I read on other forums of a possibility of infected/corrupted/modified bios' posing as the real deal, and lots of dead links to nowhere.
Any ideals on were to find an unmodified sp47135.exe would be appreciated.
So I pinged ftp://ftp.hp.com and discovered the ftp no longer exists.:( I've found other sites that have the file I need but I read on other forums of a possibility of infected/corrupted/modified bios' posing as the real deal, and lots of dead links to nowhere.
Any ideals on were to find an unmodified sp47135.exe would be appreciated.
I know of HP techies that bring LARGE USB-drives with them when visiting customer installations because they fear thy won't be able to download patches while they're there.
The site first generates an md5 checksum and lets you know if others
have uploaded that file for checking, and the results.
The uploaded file is run through many different anti virus programs and the
result for each is shown in a list.
I found that doing a google search using the name of the file and the md5
checksum sometimes provides links to information posted by people who
have used the file....this is great because they will post about their success
or whatever sort of grief they have experienced.