Eathquake on the East coast....Felt it in NY
I was searching the web when I noticed my desk swaying back and forth. I looked all around it to see what was moving it. Then I felt myself moving back and forth.
It don't happen too often here in NY but the news just said the Pentagon evacuated.
I am going to keep an eye on my desk for the next few hours since it alerted me. I can't imagine how all you's in California have to deal with quakes when they hit there.
It don't happen too often here in NY but the news just said the Pentagon evacuated.
I am going to keep an eye on my desk for the next few hours since it alerted me. I can't imagine how all you's in California have to deal with quakes when they hit there.
Our building shook a bit ....and squeaked....the squeaking wasn't comforting!
Earthquake Details
This event has been reviewed by a seismologist.
Date-TimeTuesday, August 23, 2011 at 17:51:03 UTC
Tuesday, August 23, 2011 at 01:51:03 PM at epicenter
Location37.975°N, 77.969°W
Depth1 km (~0.6 mile) (poorly constrained)
Distances45 km (27 miles) E of Charlottesville, Virginia
55 km (34 miles) SW of Fredericksburg, Virginia
64 km (39 miles) NW of RICHMOND, Virginia
82 km (50 miles) NNE of Farmville, Virginia
Location Uncertainty
horizontal +/- 10.9 km (6.8 miles);
depth +/- 7.4 km (4.6 miles)
ParametersNST=390, Nph=390, Dmin=57.9 km, Rmss=1.17 sec, Gp= 47°,
M-type=regional moment magnitude (Mw), Version=6
SourceMagnitude: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
Location: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
Event IDusc0005ild
[/HTML] if you want to see any more.
Thanks for those links and all the data from USGS
(non-earthquake related though)
USGS doesn't show anything in the Boston area. Are you just it wasn't the Big Dig collapsing again?
My building is right over one of the tunnels, and there's a void forming under one of them due to subsidence. So when we felt the shake one co-worker said "do you think the tunnel collapsed?"
We don't even call that an earthquake out here in LA.
But that's pretty big doins' back there. I grew up in Woodbridge, Virginia.
Now they have it all. Heat, humidity and earthquakes.
It just makes life a little more for the death & destruction part. Fortunately, that aspect doesn't happen to often.
Anything below a 4.0 is "what was that? A mow-skee-tow?".
Between 5 and 6, people take notice.
Low to mid 6's and things start moving.
Mid to high 6's and it's "Katie, bar the door!"
7's and up? A roller coaster ride and potential new beach front property!!!
I tried that after I found it but the form is disabled. returns an error when you click submit. Guess they are a bit jammed up at the moment
Darn! I missed my first earthquake experience .
@erco..Please keep your 6+ groundshakers on the left coast.
Don't forget the other "H" word -- comin' atcha! Good night! It's Irene!
I didn't notice any swaying afterwards from the s-waves (where I am is on greensand, a relatively hard rock for the area). However I was on an office chair with wheels which may have isolated me! I don't think it was nearly as big as this one, possibly just a 5.0 I believe and 100 miles from the epicentre, but a rare event here too.
I agree with one of the posters that hearing the walls creak and groan is disconcerting especially when masonry...