Clean those shops! Freebie table at UPENE

It's time to start packing up those items that you thought were worth saving for a future project. (Remember those parts you salvaged two years ago, hoping to doing something interesting with them?)
It's time to pack a small box of goodies for the FREEBIE TABLE! Bring items which are loosely Propeller/Robotics related to dump on the table and watch the fun begin.
The FREEBIE TABLE is a long standing tradition with the UPE events and a good way to clean out those shops of items which can be stored by SOMEONE ELSE!
It's time to pack a small box of goodies for the FREEBIE TABLE! Bring items which are loosely Propeller/Robotics related to dump on the table and watch the fun begin.
The FREEBIE TABLE is a long standing tradition with the UPE events and a good way to clean out those shops of items which can be stored by SOMEONE ELSE!

'Tis truly better to give than receive. But my plywood and relays stay with me!
Small Box?? I have a couple of Large Boxes to bring....
I hope they go to good hands.