Possible shot of Parallax Product in the Movies....

I don't know of anyone else noticed yet but there seems to be an excellent shot of some Parallax Product in the Movie Spy Kids 4D. Look for the 'Spy Detector" gadget when it it open and being assembled. Took the kids to see the movie yesterday and noticed it in the film....
Some other Parallax products in movies and TV:
"Law Abiding Citizen" shows a HIGHLY mangled Propeller protoboard (well, the top half anyway) in the bomb building scene.
An episode of "Monk" (one of the earlier ones) shows a scene of disarming a bomb, and there is clearly a BS2 controlling it, though it's hard to see details due to poor lighting.
If there are any more Parallax spottings in the media, feel free to post.
So BS2 stands for Bomb Squad 2. What happened to Bomb Squad 1, or should I not ask?
Of course, this wasn't helped by the presentation at UPEW about the special effects for Spiderman 2 where it was revealed that Doc Oct's spinal implant was driven by visible on-camera Basic Stamps...
It is a EFX-TEK Prop-1 controller. It's only on the screen for a second.
he he :-) I like funny!