Xbee problems
I just got my Xbee modules, and I am having problems trying to get the simple loop-back test to work. I am using the Selmaware AppBee-SIP boards to hold the xbee Pro, and xbee Pro S2 module. When I plug the propplug into the AppBee-SIP module, and run X-ctu, the 'sense' program seems to communicate with the xbee. But, all the other programs do not work, or at least it does not communicate with the second xbee module.
The setup that I have is, I have power and ground to the first xbee module, with the propplug plugged in. The second xbee module has power and ground, plus I have the Rx and Tx pins connected together, loop-back part. I tested both modules with the X-ctu program, and it seems to achieve communication with the X-ctu program. Any help with this would be appreciated.
The setup that I have is, I have power and ground to the first xbee module, with the propplug plugged in. The second xbee module has power and ground, plus I have the Rx and Tx pins connected together, loop-back part. I tested both modules with the X-ctu program, and it seems to achieve communication with the X-ctu program. Any help with this would be appreciated.
After reading the "Getting Started with XBee Modules" manual, I got the impression that this was going to be a simple plug and play setup, but I must be missing something very important, because it isn't working for me. So, what do I do now?
You wrote that you're using "xbee Pro and xbee Pro S2" modules. It's not entirely clear what you mean there (largely because of Digi's ever-changing naming conventions), but if one of your XBees is a standard XBee Pro 802.15.4, like this one, and the other is a ZigBee (formerly "Series 2") like this one, you won't be able to get them to communicate with each other. The different types (802.15.4/ZigBee) of XBee are not inter-compatible. You can read a little about that here.
Can you give us the exact models of your XBees modules? That'd be good place to begin trouble-shooting.
Also, you wrote that each of your modules/SIP board setups seems to work fine with X-CTU. If I'm reading you correctly, you're plugging a Propplug into the SIP module to make the connection to your computer's USB port, correct? And when you bring up X-CTU you're able to read the XBee settings from the modules just fine, right? If that's the case, could you read each module's settings, and tell us what you get for
ATCH (Channel)
ATMY (Source Address)
ATDL (Destination Address)
These are the most important addressing parameters, and they have to be correct for two modules to communicate with each other. The simplest setting is to have both XBees on the same channel, and then one of them identified as Module 0 and the other as Module 1, with Module 0 set to transmit to Module 1 and Module 1 set to transmit to Module 0:
Module 0
ATCH 0C (or whatever - must match ATCH for Module 1)
Module 1
Finally, when you're trying to transmit with a module on the SIP board, does the green transmit LED come on? I assume the red receive LED on the receiving board does not, right?
Thank you in advance !
Are you still having trouble with your S2 XBees?
I've used series 2 (zig bee) XBees with the Propeller. The XBees need to be set up correctly before hand and the serial numbers need to be used. I know I have some Propeller code that lets two zig bee XBees communicate together. I'll look through my files and find the program if anyone wants to try it. Just let me know.
thank you for caring .
I'm attaching the files I used to communicate with Series 2 XBees.
There's more information about the serial object I use in this thread.
You'll need to change the serial numbers in the program to match the serial numbers of your XBees.
The serial numbers are listed at the bottom of XBeeComTest and XBeeAux. Here's what they look like in XBeeComTest.
I used the prefix "sh" to indicate serial number high and "sl" for serial number low.
You can see I also named the XBees.
The XBees need to be configured with the software from Digi (I think it's called XTU). One XBee needs to be a coordinator and the others all need to be end point/router (or something like that).
You'll want to look at the pin assignments to know which XBee is expecting to be the coordinator.
It's been a while since I've used these XBees so I don't remember all that the program does. I think two XBees can be attached to the same Propeller board and the the two XBees will try to communicate with each other. I think the coordinator also tries to communicate with other XBees that have their serial numbers listed in the program.
Let me know if you have questions and I'll try to answer them.
The program is called "XCTU", and it's available here: http://www.digi.com/support/kbase/kbaseresultdetl.jsp?kb=125
thx again
umm I wanna ask , if I want to send audio or video from one arduino board to another via xbee radio , Do I need to packetize it ?
if yes , There is a specific way to packetize it ? Or what?!!
As Mike said, I doubt the audio streaming will work on the Arduino (the code I linked to is for the Propeller).
ok right now we tried to send data from one arduino to another one , but what we note ! that's data doesn't the same !!
I mean if the value send from first arduino equal 500 , It does not reach the other side as the same value it may be reach the other side with value equal 10 ,50 something like this , although we send data from arduino to another without using xbee radio "just putting wires between tx , rx in each arduino " !! I don't know ! does arduino change on data ?! before it send it ?!!!!