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(Confess) Your stupidest electronics related mistakes. — Parallax Forums

(Confess) Your stupidest electronics related mistakes.

Martin HodgeMartin Hodge Posts: 1,246
edited 2011-11-27 20:06 in General Discussion
Bet mine tops them all:

Trying to solder with a spool of hookup wire. "Why won't this iron get hot enough?! What's that smell..."


  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2011-08-18 22:00
    One-time stupid: Cutting through live Romex with a pair of sidecutters. Unfortunately there were witnesses, so plausible deniability is moot. Worst of all, aside from the embarrassment, the sidecutters were ruined.

    Many-times-stupid: Forgetting to slide on the shrink tubing or connector housing before soldering the connector.

  • Heater.Heater. Posts: 21,230
    edited 2011-08-18 22:02
    That tops nothing. I first found myself trying to do that in the late seventies. Along with groping around to pick up the iron whilst carefully watching the joint I'm working on and grabing it by the hot end.
    My personal favorite mistake was when I was wondering why a circuit board was glowing red, "I'm sure there are no LEDs on that board" I thought. Turned out to be an EPROM I had plugged in backwards the chip glowing red through the little window.
  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,569
    edited 2011-08-18 23:25
    Leaving a soldering iron 'on' in the garage on the floor, and then going out in the middle of the night barefoot to go grab something and forgetting ... well, being suddenly reminded about the soldering iron....

    Then there's the classic ... realizing after you've made all of your solder connections, that you forgot to slide on the heat shrink tubing.

    EDIT) I forgot this one.... you read, and it it might explain why I tried to suppress this one ... REALLY REALLY DUMB

    Me and a friend of mine got a hold of a microwave oven transformer... we decided to plug it in "free-style" and how fun it was to 'vaporize' random components lying around the workbench. Until I managed to get hold of BOTH ends of the secondary on accident. The next thing I knew, we were both on the floor. My muscle jerk reaction was enough to knock both of us out of our chairs (bar-stool-type) and on our butts. I think I de-fibbed myself in the process.
  • W9GFOW9GFO Posts: 4,010
    edited 2011-08-19 00:31
    I was working on the wiring of a three phase motor near the power panel. Breaker was off. I stepped out to retrieve the wire clamps from the conex where the compressor motor was. Only gone for about two minutes. Reached up with both hands to slide the clamps over the wires and, well, somehow the breaker got turned on. On my back with a tingling sensation I remember thinking - that wasn't so bad.
  • LoopyBytelooseLoopyByteloose Posts: 12,537
    edited 2011-08-19 02:23
    I'd have to say my stupidest mistake is my most persistent - powering up a device before I am completely sure the construction is right.

    It took many years for me to accept the fact that I should first check the circuit board without it being populated by the ICs. Lots of fried components from solder bridges and wiring errors.

    There are things I have done that are more embarrassing, but certainly not as stupid.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-08-19 03:30
    dropping the most tiny component into the thick carpet... and not having a duplicate on hand...
  • RDL2004RDL2004 Posts: 2,554
    edited 2011-08-19 07:19
    I sometimes wire things incorrectly. It often causes chips to run a little hot.
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  • max72max72 Posts: 1,155
    edited 2011-08-19 07:21
    I don't count forgetting heat shrink tube.. too recurrent, and I know I'll never learn
    Not checking for shorts before switching on a board.
    Switch on a board on the table with solder wire below... or bare wires, or forgotten resistors.. or any other conductive junk.
    Switching the polarity in a hurry, after having spent time indicating polarity with big coloured polarity indicators.
  • ctwardellctwardell Posts: 1,716
    edited 2011-08-19 07:36
    @Martin, I've done the mistaking hookup wire for solder thing, it was the bare tinned kind, carries heat real fast, burned a nice line across my finger and thumb.

    @RDL2004, gee I have a similar breadboard.

    @Loopy, testing in phases is probably one of the things we should stress most to those new to electronics. "You CANNOT put the magic smoke back in..."

  • Ron CzapalaRon Czapala Posts: 2,418
    edited 2011-08-19 08:52
    One-time stupid: Cutting through live Romex with a pair of sidecutters. Unfortunately there were witnesses, so plausible deniability is moot. Worst of all, aside from the embarrassment, the sidecutters were ruined.

    I had a similar experience. I was in my parents attic attempting to run another line from an existing cable. I cut the power off at the circuit breaker box - partially anyway. I did not know that the wire had TWO live circuits on two different breakers! I almost fell thru the ceiling plasterboard and the pliers were welded shut...

    Similar to leaving off the heatshrink, I have frequently soldered a phono or headphone plug only to realize that the plug's cap was still laying on the work bench...

    Or soldering on a connector before fishing the wire thru the hole in the project box.
  • bill190bill190 Posts: 769
    edited 2011-08-19 08:54
    When I was a kid, I connected a 9 volt battery to the secondary of a doorbell transformer and expected 120 volts to come out the other end!

    Then not my error, but I found a problem when I was an electronic tech that 1uf capacitors were suddenly being installed on all circuit boards instead of .1uf capacitors. I went to the assembly lines folks and pointed out the error. The supervisor said they ran out of the .1 uf caps, so were using the 1 uf caps instead. She said "They are the same aren't they?"
  • PliersPliers Posts: 280
    edited 2011-08-19 08:58
    I have made so many mistakes, I do not know where to start. Most expensive, most lethal, most spectacular.
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2011-08-19 09:03
    More of a stupid habit than mistake, 'cuz I choose to repeat it. When I'm doing simple 120VAC wiring mods in my house, I rarely turn the power off. I prefer to work carefully, knowing full well that the power is on, working with strippers (insulated wire strippers, not pole dancers, although that would be even better), electrical tape, my trusty Simpson analog multimeter and more wire nuts than I'll ever need. For me, it keeps me honest and just speeds things up.

    Haven't been bitten once in 30 years, and I sure hope I didn't just jinx myself. Not recommending this to anyone, BTW.

  • bill190bill190 Posts: 769
    edited 2011-08-19 09:14
    I had a similar experience. I was in my parents attic attempting to run another line from an existing cable. I cut the power off at the circuit breaker box - partially anyway. I did not know that the wire had TWO live circuits on two different breakers! I almost fell thru the ceiling plasterboard and the pliers were welded shut...

    That was probably what is called a MWBC or Multi-Wire Branch Circuit. It is two separate 120 volt circuits which share the same white neutral wire. The National Electrical Code now requires the breakers for these circuits to have a tie bar - like with two breakers on a 240 volt circuit. Then you must turn off both breakers.

    (See Multiwire branch circuits)
  • Ron CzapalaRon Czapala Posts: 2,418
    edited 2011-08-19 09:24
    bill190 wrote: »
    That was probably what is called a MWBC or Multi-Wire Branch Circuit. It is two separate 120 volt circuits which share the same white neutral wire. The National Electrical Code now requires the breakers for these circuits to have a tie bar - like with two breakers on a 240 volt circuit. Then you must turn off both breakers.

    That cable was installed by an electrician back in the late 60's to add new circuits for window air conditioners.
    The breakers were not adjacent so I figured he was lazy - or just incompetent.
    I was in High School and knew that the breakers should have been linked.
  • Ron CzapalaRon Czapala Posts: 2,418
    edited 2011-08-19 09:30
    erco wrote: »
    More of a stupid habit than mistake, 'cuz I choose to repeat it. When I'm doing simple 120VAC wiring mods in my house, I rarely turn the power off. I prefer to work carefully, knowing full well that the power is on...

    I do that too but I have been zapped many times and ruined a few screwdrivers...

    I used to test for a live circuit by quickly flicking it with my finger (120 only - never 240!!!) O_o

    Like you, I am not recommending this for anyone...

    I also used to strip spreaker wire with my teeth - don't do that any more
  • Martin_HMartin_H Posts: 4,051
    edited 2011-08-19 09:33
    I have recurrent bouts of forgetting the heat shrink tubing, plug caps for phono or RCA jacks, occasional smoked IC's, and leaving my DMM on (once over a vacation).

    But the top of the list happened in high school. I was building a nitrogen laser using the plans from Scientific American and it needed a high voltage low current AC power supply. The plans called for a used an old automotive starter coil, and copper clad PC boards for a giant capacitor. I followed the wiring diagram carefully and it worked! I know this because it arced and discharged into my hand which went numb for a minute. Luckily it was powered by batteries so the total power was fairly low.

    It scared me so much that I never finished the laser, but I still have the components in my garage. After that experience I've never worked on live AC wiring.
  • tobdectobdec Posts: 267
    edited 2011-08-19 09:51
    My worst is prob back in jvs. We were experimenting with op-amps and I was always the first done with the projects bc for some reason it just came naturaly....well naturaly i got cocky and tried to finish first every time. I was soo rushed that when I got to the final projects...days in advanced...I had to re-breadboard the circuit about 40 times. For the life of me I never got it to work...and everyone eventually caught up to me.

    Problem:: I never hooked up the ******* DC!!
    Embarisment: I didn't show up for 3 days!
  • piguy101piguy101 Posts: 248
    edited 2011-08-19 09:59
    In all my time with electronics, I can only remember frying two LEDs unintentionally. But I've let the smoke out of countless components for fun.
  • bill190bill190 Posts: 769
    edited 2011-08-19 10:03
    That cable was installed by an electrician back in the late 60's to add new circuits for window air conditioners.
    The breakers were not adjacent so I figured he was lazy - or just incompetent.
    I was in High School and knew that the breakers should have been linked.

    FYI - If it has a "shared white neutral wire", then the breakers need to be on opposite phases - typically next to each other like a 240 volt circuit. Otherwise there is a danger the shared neutral will overheat if it is the same gauge wire as the hots. This works the same as the 3 wires coming into a house all the same gauge. An equal load on both circuits will "cancel" each other out and there will be little or no current flow through the neutral. But if both circuits are on the same phase, then the current flow on the neutral would double and exceed the capacity of the wire (heat).
  • zoopydogsitzoopydogsit Posts: 174
    edited 2011-08-19 11:28
    In school I built a PCB for a fully TTL based 2732 EPROM copier as a project, took about a month from proto-type to design, layout, masking, etching, plating, drilling, conductivity testing, soldered in all the components, including a dozen or so TTL chips, etc Nothing made sense when troubleshooting, turned out I'd reversed the mask on the board so everything was backwards! As I was now overdue handing the project in, I then burned a couple of days unsoldering everything and either reversing or resoldering them on the back side. I then ran out of time to troubleshoot it to the point of working.

    I now put a line of text on every layer of board I build!

    More recently, building another PCB in expresspcb, went to do the proto etch at home, printed it on press'n'peel, etching, drilling, only to find that none of the ICs fit. Turned out that when I printed the image the printer driver subtly resized the image!

    I now test layout the most complex compotent to ensure there is no skew and that it all fits.

    The following one is not mine, I remember reading in an electronics mag how they'd had an issue with someone building their VHF radio kit (all discrete, requiring hand wound coils, etc). They indicated that the person had perfectly built the unit, but it didn't work no matter what troubleshooting steps they told him to do, first in the magazine feedback column, then in letters and finally on the phone. When they finally saw it in person they found that he'd used perfectly shaped blobs of epoxy glue instead of solder!
  • localrogerlocalroger Posts: 3,452
    edited 2011-08-19 12:09
    Back in 1996 my company put in four very expensive programmable scale displays as a system. One did the weighing for a three platform truck scale, and the other three functioned as fancy remote displays for the axles. The master transmitted continuous data for the remotes to display on an RS232 bus. The three remote receivers were connected in parallel to the master's transmit pin. These were wired to WAGO spring connectors.

    There was also an input for a panel pushbutton switch to tell the scale whether to enable another output driving the outside scoreboard display. We used the same wire, Belden 8723, for this input as for the serial connection. Except the scoreboard control was 110 VAC...

    You know what's coming next. Working too fast I wired the scoreboard control in parallel with the serial inputs. It worked fine when I powered it up, unaware that I had converted the scoreboard control switch into a "Push to destroy $10,000 worth of equipment" button.

    Oddly enough, the manufacturer honored the warranty.
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2011-08-19 12:23
    When I turned on my PC last week, I smelled something burning, and my USB port stopped working. My mistake was leaving my desk chair when 2-year old Amy could climb up, find a metal washer on my desk, and shove it coin-like into the USB slot on the built-in multi-card reader.

    I was about to order a replacement unit, but I removed the reader and discovered that one of the traces on the PCB burned off like a fuse. I soldered in a replacement wire bridge and all's well now.

    Keep my chair leaned over on the floor, and don't keep change or washers on the desktop!
  • TappermanTapperman Posts: 319
    edited 2011-08-19 13:14
    My Mistake

    I built some driver boards for my IGBT's and test each stack (pair) for proper operation and after wiring together all 3 sets I got in a hurry, I loaded my propeller driver and hit the switch to the 24 v bat.

    It made some beautiful fire works ... and I'm fairly certain I generated the 4th state of matter ... unfortunately, I wasn't filming (too much of a hurry). So I made a sketch of what came out of the top of the chip.


    It visually appeared in a blink of an eye directly over the top of the IGBT and did NOT move (or flicker), it made noise and you could feel the 'heat' on your skin.

    I pulled the emergency cut-off switch, and examined the IGBT ... I had went back and re-soldered a gate resister, and in the process (one board only) created a solder bridge, that kept the top IGBT gate 'ON' all the time.

    I should know better than to get in a hurry ... 'You only rush to disaster'.

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  • David BDavid B Posts: 592
    edited 2011-08-19 13:30
    I like using 25 pin "D" connectors for connecting everything to project boards - signal, data, power, sensors.

    I had one connector all wired up for some project, complete with 12V power supplied to one of its pins.

    The project got its signal from my laptop's parallel port through another 25 pin "D" connector.

    I finished up the final wiring, grabbed a "D" connector, plugged it into the laptop printer port, and experienced one of those "Oh sh%^&t, did I just do that" moments. The 12V instantly fried one of the laptop parallel port output bits.
  • davejamesdavejames Posts: 4,047
    edited 2011-08-19 14:58
    ...why would I want to do this?!?!

    I'm trying to improve my reputation!!! :innocent:
  • agimuhingagimuhing Posts: 39
    edited 2011-08-19 15:12
    Let's see..

    hooking up a linear regulator backward, I noticed it wasn't outputting any voltage and got really hot, no major damage though

    the usual "forgetting to put the heatshrink on before soldering the wire"

    trying to solder with a paperclip instead of solder

    Not my mistake: At my school's electronics lab there are a few soldering iron holders that look like this( and some guy put a sponge in the box where the hot iron tip is held. Due to the structure of the holder, the sponge was not seen by the next person who used it. Then, the sponge dried out and caught fire. Surprised the guy using the holder, but nothing really bad happened.

    Finally, although not exactly an electrical mistake, I lost control of a pneumatic actuator. I was testing some servo controllers on the actuator when one of them malfunctioned. It made a lot of noise, and I now keep the shutoff valve within arms reach at all times.
  • prof_brainoprof_braino Posts: 4,313
    edited 2011-08-19 15:14
    Using flux from the hardware store on my first circuit board build. Seems there's some extra acid in plumbing flux that makes the circuit act funny.

    Reading all these stories of blunders from experienced engineers makes me want to return to gas light and steam power, or at least stick to software.
  • bomberbomber Posts: 297
    edited 2011-08-19 15:24
    I once was trying to find the 'enable' wire of a computer's swithing power supply, having in mind to use it as a bench top power supply. I was digging around inside of the PSU with THE POWER ON AND CONNECTED and my hand touched the heatsink for the chopper transistor! There was a loud bang, I winded several feet away from where I was sitting before, the lights suddenly turned off, and my right arm was numb. I ended up tripping the GFCI and the power strip! I then decided to just scratch the bench top power supply idea and just use it for parts (like the five otyher PSUs that I got my hands on)!!!!!
  • W9GFOW9GFO Posts: 4,010
    edited 2011-08-19 15:32
    I got one. Not long ago I was salvaging some components off a circuit board using my butane powered soldering iron with the blower attachment on. I didn't notice the electrolytic cap,... until it exploded.
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