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Displaying variables on 27977 — Parallax Forums

Displaying variables on 27977

piguy101piguy101 Posts: 248
edited 2011-08-29 15:08 in General Discussion
I just got the 27977 display from Parallax and I love it, but I have on question: How can I display the value of a variable on the 27977? I developed one functioning method, but it is very inefficient: Use the DIG command on a variable and then have a SELECT...CASE to determine what number to display and the use DIG command on next digit and continue until all digits are displayed..
This works, but it wastes lots of program space, is there an easier way with the BS2?


  • dandreaedandreae Posts: 1,375
    edited 2011-08-29 15:08
    You can use the "DEC modifier for displaying decimal numbers of variables. On pages 420 to 422 of the BASIC Stamp Syntax and Reference manual it will give you examples.

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