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Assembler Question

TappermanTapperman Posts: 319
edited 2011-09-26 22:53 in Propeller 1
I'm using Mr. Schwabs PWM object and I'm trying add the following logic to the assembler section (Main_PWM_Loop):

If P8 = 1 let the assembly modify Pins 13 thru 15 normally.

But, if P8=0 then set Pins 13 thru 15 to Zero.

I need to integrate it into the same cog. But, I'm not sure how I can accomplish said task?

... Tim


  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2011-08-18 16:30
    Tapperman wrote: »
    I'm using Mr. Schwabs PWM object and I'm trying add the following logic to the assembler section (Main_PWM_Loop):

    If P8 = 1 let the assembly modify Pins 13 thru 15 normally.

    But, if P8=0 then set Pins 13 thru 15 to Zero.

    I need to integrate it into the same cog. But, I'm not sure how I can accomplish said task?
    The requirement is a bit vague. Anyway, just sample pin 8 and gate your outputs, e.g.
    test    mask8, ina wc
    if_nc   andn    temp, mask13_15
    This code could then be placed just before the update for outa. Or you do the P8 test before temp is initialised and simply gate your bit updates with a condition:
    test    mask8, ina wc
            mov     temp, Ch + 00
    if_c    or      temp, Ch + 13
    if_c    or      temp, Ch + 14
    if_c    or      temp, Ch + 15
            or      temp, Ch + 16
    Is that what you are after?
  • TappermanTapperman Posts: 319
    edited 2011-08-18 16:58
    kuroneko wrote: »
    Is that what you are after?

    Yes ... Very, Very, Very close to the target!!!

    Thankyou so much!

    In keeping with one of the earlier post's regarding 'solutions' ... when I get the answer, I'll post the solution.

    ... Tim
  • TappermanTapperman Posts: 319
    edited 2011-08-19 04:19
    Here is what I came up with for a solution:
    '' Update IO Pins
                  mov      temp,    Ch + 00                 ' Clear and initialize temp
                  or       temp,    Ch + 01                 '   OR the remaining 
                  or       temp,    Ch + 02                 '   channels into temp
                     <trimmed for space>
                  or       temp,    Ch + 08
                  test     Ch + 08, #0              wz
                     <trimmed for space>
           if_nz  or       temp,    Ch + 13
           if_nz  or       temp,    Ch + 14
           if_nz  or       temp,    Ch + 15                      
                   mov      outa,    temp                    ' Move temp to the IOs
    Now I just need to figure out what the timing constant changes too?
    Resolution      = 8200
    Would it be 8204?

    ... Tim
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2011-08-19 05:34
    Tapperman wrote: »
    or       temp,    Ch + 08
    [COLOR="red"]test     Ch + 08, #0 wz[/COLOR]
    Believe it or not but this instruction always sets the zero flag, i.e. your outputs 13..15 stay disabled.

    As for the period, the main loop - when running uninterrupted consumes exactly 41 hub windows (16*32+4*32+4+12 = (40+1)*16, 656*12.5 = 8200). So you could either raise it to 8400 (since you're adding 1 hub window, 16*12.5) or move the or temp, Ch + 08 to the front (swap with Ch + 00, i.e. mov temp, Ch + 08 wz) and grab the flag state without timing penalty (8200).
  • TappermanTapperman Posts: 319
    edited 2011-08-19 10:46
    Thankyou ... I see what you talking about, and I will use the mov w/zero to keep the original timing the same. Wow, there are so many ways to code the same thing!

    Also, I was unaware the the Zero flag would be set in that test d,s for all case's the Propeller manual PDF says:
    Bitwise AND two values to affect flags only
    Thanks for the clarification and the calculation:
    exactly 41 hub windows (16*32+4*32+4+12 = (40+1)*16, 656*12.5 = 8200)
    ... Tim
  • TappermanTapperman Posts: 319
    edited 2011-08-19 11:25
    So the solution (after revision) is:
    '' Update IO Pins
                  mov      temp,    Ch + 08         wz      ' Clear and initialize temp
                  or       temp,    Ch + 00
                  or       temp,    Ch + 01                 '   OR the remaining 
                  or       temp,    Ch + 02                 '   channels into temp
                  or       temp,    Ch + 03
                  or       temp,    Ch + 04
                  or       temp,    Ch + 05
                  or       temp,    Ch + 06  
                  or       temp,    Ch + 07                      
                  or       temp,    Ch + 09
                  or       temp,    Ch + 10 
                  or       temp,    Ch + 11
                  or       temp,    Ch + 12
           if_nz  or       temp,    Ch + 13
           if_nz  or       temp,    Ch + 14
           if_nz  or       temp,    Ch + 15                      
                  or       temp,    Ch + 16
                  or       temp,    Ch + 17                        
                  or       temp,    Ch + 18
                  or       temp,    Ch + 19
                  or       temp,    Ch + 20
                  or       temp,    Ch + 21
                  or       temp,    Ch + 22
                  or       temp,    Ch + 23
                  or       temp,    Ch + 24
                  or       temp,    Ch + 25                        
                  or       temp,    Ch + 26
                  or       temp,    Ch + 27                      
                  or       temp,    Ch + 28
                  or       temp,    Ch + 29
                  or       temp,    Ch + 30
                  or       temp,    Ch + 31
                  mov      outa,    temp                    ' Move temp to the IOs
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2011-08-19 17:04
    Tapperman wrote: »
    Also, I was unaware the the Zero flag would be set in that test d,s for all case's the Propeller manual PDF says:
    Bitwise AND two values to affect flags only
    Bitwise AND with #0 (test Ch + 08, #0) will always result in #0. So test must set Z provided wz is specified :) Glad you got it working. You could have used cmp or at least test Ch + 8, Ch + 8 wz.
  • TappermanTapperman Posts: 319
    edited 2011-08-24 12:56
    kuroneko wrote: »
    Glad you got it working.

    Thanks for all your help, here is where that code went:

    pin 8 drives my FIELD switch and pins 13, 14 and 15 are the 3 phase signal used to drive motor with.

    Because of the way the IGBT's get power, I have to turn the bottom switch on now and then to charge the 1000 uF cap that powers the top IGBT boards (6 in all, 3 top and 3 bottom).

    Due to construction an output on pin 13-15 of 0, turns on the bottom switch ... and outputing a '1' turns the top switch on. changing the dira to input on any of these pins, prevents either switch from operating!

    ... Tim
  • TappermanTapperman Posts: 319
    edited 2011-09-06 14:11
    kuroneko wrote: »
    Bitwise AND with #0 (test Ch + 08, #0) will always result in #0. So test must set Z provided wz is specified :) Glad you got it working. You could have used cmp or at least test Ch + 8, Ch + 8 wz.

    OK, next stupid question ... Is there an easy way to calculate modulo in assembly?

    ... Tim
  • ericballericball Posts: 774
    edited 2011-09-06 14:24
    Tapperman wrote: »
    Is there an easy way to calculate modulo in assembly?

    It depends on the divisor. 2^N is a simple AND. Some other constant values can be calculated by a sequence of shifts, adds and subtracts. Other otherwise it's a modified divide routine.
  • TappermanTapperman Posts: 319
    edited 2011-09-06 20:20
    ericball wrote: »
    It depends on the divisor. 2^N is a simple AND. Some other constant values can be calculated by a sequence of shifts, adds and subtracts. Other otherwise it's a modified divide routine.

    Well, maybe that's the wrong approach ... maybe the question should be:

    Is there a way to read the motor encoder and create a pattern like this:
       vctr count   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18  1/2 turn
       enc ticks    14 14 14 15 14 14 14 14 15 14 14 14 15 14 14 14 14 15  mod 4/mod 5
       space vctr   0  1  2  3  4  5  0  1  2  3  4  5  0  1  2  3  4  5   mod 6
      The above table shows 1/2 half shaft revolution. And adds up to 256 ticks,
      since there are 512 in complete circle, you must travel thru the 6 vectors
      six times before the shaft turns once.
    ... Tim
  • TappermanTapperman Posts: 319
    edited 2011-09-07 08:39
    ericball wrote: »
    Some other constant values can be calculated by a sequence of shifts, adds and subtracts.

    OK ... so

    57 mod 9

    could be done by:
    %111001 =   57
    -   %100100 =   36    9 << 2
        %010101 =   21
    -   %010010 =   18    9 << 1
        %000011 =    3
    ... Tim
  • TappermanTapperman Posts: 319
    edited 2011-09-07 12:20
    ericball wrote: »
    Some other constant values can be calculated by a sequence of shifts, adds and subtracts.

    You mean out of this entire forum ... none of you have a modulus routine in assembly? (shaking the tree, as it were)

    ... Tim
  • RS_JimRS_Jim Posts: 1,773
    edited 2011-09-07 12:37
    I was able to replace a modulus routine in assembler by putting my bit pattern repeated in a long and then using ROL for 1 direction and ROR for the reverse direction. My pattern was a 4 bit pattern and I did a ROL,#4 then transfered the new pattern to a temp variable and then anded %1111 with it to get the necessary pattern. SHL,BasePin then moves it to the correct output..
  • TappermanTapperman Posts: 319
    edited 2011-09-07 12:54
    RS_Jim wrote: »
    SHL,BasePin then moves it to the correct output..

    Thankyou for the feed back .... do you have a example piece of code lying about I might be able to look at?

    ... Tim
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2011-09-07 18:09
    Tapperman wrote: »
    You mean out of this entire forum ... none of you have a modulus routine in assembly? (shaking the tree, as it were)
    FWIW, the manual includes a division/remainder implementation.
    ' Divide x[31..0] by y[15..0] (y[16] must be 0)
    ' on exit, quotient is in x[15..0] and remainder is in x[31..16]
    divide          shl     y,#15           'get divisor into y[30..15]
                    mov     t,#16           'ready for 16 quotient bits
    :loop           cmpsub  x,y wc          'y =< x? Subtract it, quotient bit in c
                    rcl     x,#1            'rotate c into quotient, shift dividend
                    djnz    t,#:loop        'loop until done
    divide_ret      ret                     'quotient in x[15..0],
                                            '[COLOR="orange"]remainder in x[31..16][/COLOR]
  • TappermanTapperman Posts: 319
    edited 2011-09-07 18:21
    kuroneko wrote: »
    FWIW, the manual includes a division/remainder implementation.

    I didn't catch that! Thank you!

    I got the motor to run today using a spin version of my Idea ... but it does not go very fast.
  • TappermanTapperman Posts: 319
    edited 2011-09-11 12:28
    Trying to convert case in spin to similar function in assembly:
        case (Shaft & $FF)
          000..013: outa := SV[0]
          014..027: outa := SV[1]
          028..041: outa := SV[2]
          042..056: outa := SV[3]
          057..070: outa := SV[4]
          071..084: outa := SV[5]
          085..098: outa := SV[0]
          099..112: outa := SV[1]
          113..127: outa := SV[2]
          128..141: outa := SV[3]
          142..155: outa := SV[4]
          156..169: outa := SV[5]
          170..184: outa := SV[0]
          185..198: outa := SV[1]
          199..212: outa := SV[2]
          213..226: outa := SV[3]
          227..240: outa := SV[4]
          241..255: outa := SV[5]
    And, this is what I think is close to same?
    SV_Asm        org
    loop1         and       Shaft,  #$FF            ' mask unused bits
                  cmp       Shaft,  #14     wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,#0
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
                  cmp       Shaft,  #28     wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,#1
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
                  cmp       Shaft,  #42     wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,#2
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
                  cmp       Shaft,  #57     wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,#3
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
                  cmp       Shaft,  #71     wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,#4
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
                  cmp       Shaft,  #85     wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,#5
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
                  cmp       Shaft,  #99     wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,#0
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
                  cmp       Shaft,  #113    wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,#1
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
                  cmp       Shaft,  #128    wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,#2
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
                  cmp       Shaft,  #142    wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,#3
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
                  cmp       Shaft,  #156    wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,#4
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
                  cmp       Shaft,  #170    wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,#5
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
                  cmp       Shaft,  #185    wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,#0
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
                  cmp       Shaft,  #199    wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,#1
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
                  cmp       Shaft,  #213    wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,#2
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
                  cmp       Shaft,  #227    wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,#3
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
                  cmp       Shaft,  #241    wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,#4
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
                  mov       SV_Index,#5                     ' last vector
    Set_Vector    mov       outa,   SV_Index
                  jmp       #loop1
    Shaft         long      0
    SV_Index      long      0
    Maybe there is a better way to preform 'case' in assembly? Any Ideas?

    ... Tim
  • ericballericball Posts: 774
    edited 2011-09-11 16:16
    Use a binary tree to divide your outputs. You also need to dereference SV_Index because right now your code won't do what you expect.
    		and	Shaft, #$FF
    		cmp	Shaft, #227
    	if_nc	jmp	#:l227-255
    		cmp	Shaft, #56
    	if_nc	jmp	#:l57-112
    :l0-56		cmp	Shaft, #28	wc
    	if_nc	jmp	#:l28-56
    :l0-27		cmp	Shaft, #14	wc
    	if_c	mov	SV_Index, #0
    	if_nc	mov	SV_Infex, #1
    		jmp	set_vector
    :l28-56		cmp	Shaft, #42	wc
    	if_c	mov	SV_Index, #2
    	if_nc	mov	SV_Index, #3
    		jmp	set_vector
    :l57-112	cmp	Shaft, #85	wc
    	if_nc	jmp	#:l85-112
    :l57-84		cmp	Shaft, #71	wc
    	if_c	mov	SV_Index, #4
    	if_nc	mov	SV_Index, #5
    		jmp	set_vector
    :l85-112	cmp	Shaft, #99	wc
    	if_c	mov	SV_Index, #0
    	if_nc	mov	SV_Index, #1
    		jmp	set_vector
          113..127: outa := SV[2]
          128..141: outa := SV[3]
          142..155: outa := SV[4]
          156..169: outa := SV[5]
          170..184: outa := SV[0]
          185..198: outa := SV[1]
          199..212: outa := SV[2]
          213..226: outa := SV[3]
    :l227-255	cmp	Shaft, #241
    	if_c	mov	SV_Index, #4
    	if_nc	mov	SV_Index, #5
  • TappermanTapperman Posts: 319
    edited 2011-09-12 13:19
    ericball wrote: »
    Use a binary tree to divide your outputs. You also need to dereference SV_Index

    Thank you very much for your reply!

    First, I understand what you mean by binary tree to divide your outputs. And I'm not sure why I didn't see that before? I guess I can't see the forest for the tree's.

    Second, I do not understand what you mean by dereference SV_Index? After all, this is my first attempt at putting together a assembly driver! Could you explain for me please!

    ... Tim
  • ericballericball Posts: 774
    edited 2011-09-12 13:40
    Tapperman wrote: »
    I do not understand what you mean by dereference SV_Index? After all, this is my first attempt at putting together a assembly driver! Could you explain for me please!
    In your SPIN code you assign outa := SV[n], while in your PASM code you do the equivalent of SV_Index := n; outa := SV_Index. So unless you want outa := n you need to do something different.

    There are a few different ways to handle what you want to do. Easiest is probably something like:
    :l85-112	cmp	Shaft, #99	wc
    	if_c	mov	outa, SV_0
    	if_nc	mov	outa, SV_1
    		jmp	set_vector
    SV_0		long	$0000_1000
    SV_1		long	$0000_2000
  • TappermanTapperman Posts: 319
    edited 2011-09-24 15:03
    Hello All,

    1st thanks for all the help!

    But, I'm now having an issue with PASD ... I am able to single step through the example that came with it, but not my own code? I've double checked that I have kernel copied correctly (and no, no char's are at column 0) ... and after reading through some of the old post's that got deleted, discovered that you can not have a CON section following your code ... I'm ok there too, nothing follows my DAT section.

    I've included a copy of code here. Any ideas?
                  org     0
    '  --------- Debugger Kernel add this at Entry (Addr 0) ---------
       long $34FC1202,$6CE81201,$83C120B,$8BC0E0A,$E87C0E03,$8BC0E0A
       long $EC7C0E05,$A0BC1207,$5C7C0003,$5C7C0003,$7FFC,$7FF8
    '  -------------------------------------------------------------- 
    SV_Asm        mov       temp, par
                  mov       outa,   #0
                  mov       dira,   Mask_Mtr
                  mov       cmd_address, temp        'Acquire command variable address
                  add       temp,    #4  
                  mov       ARG_0, temp              'Acquire ARG_0 variable address
                  add       temp,    #4  
                  mov       ARG_1, temp              'Acquire ARG_1 variable address
                  add       temp,    #4
                  mov       ARG_2, temp              'Acquire ARG_2 variable address
                  rdlong    Pntr0,  ARG_0
                  rdlong    Pntr1,  ARG_1
                  rdlong    Pntr2,  ARG_2       
                  rdlong    SV_Duty,Pntr2           ' read duty control
                  rdlong    SV_Offset,Pntr1         ' read offset
                  rdlong    Shaft,  Pntr0           ' read from motor encoder position
    ' comment-out the line below to remove hard coded pin reversal.
                  neg       Shaft,  Shaft           ' negate reading
                  max       SV_Duty, #5             ' hard code limit!
                  mov       Mask_t, Mask_duty
                  shr       Mask_t, SV_Duty
                  mov       cnt,    cnt
                  mov       temp,   cnt
                  shr       temp,   Clk_Shft
                  and       temp,   Mask_t  wz      ' zero flag = turn field "ON"
          if_nz   andn      dira,   Mask_f          ' turn field OFF
          if_nz   mov       outa,   Zero            ' zero motor pins
          if_nz   jmp       #Cmd_Chk
                  add       Shaft,  SV_Offset
                  and       Shaft,  #$FF            ' mask unused bits
                  cmp       Shaft,  #170    wc
          if_nc   jmp       #:l3
                  cmp       Shaft,  #85     wc
          if_nc   jmp       #:l2
                  cmp       Shaft,  #14     wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,SV_0
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
                  cmp       Shaft,  #28     wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,SV_1
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
                  cmp       Shaft,  #42     wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,SV_2
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
                  cmp       Shaft,  #57     wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,SV_3
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
                  cmp       Shaft,  #71     wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,SV_4
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
    '             cmp       Shaft,  #85     wc
                  mov       SV_Index,SV_5
                  jmp       set_vector
                  cmp       Shaft,  #99     wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,SV_0
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
                  cmp       Shaft,  #113    wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,SV_1
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
                  cmp       Shaft,  #128    wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,SV_2
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
                  cmp       Shaft,  #142    wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,SV_3
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
                  cmp       Shaft,  #156    wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,SV_4
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
    '             cmp       Shaft,  #170    wc
                  mov       SV_Index,SV_5
                  jmp       set_vector
                  cmp       Shaft,  #185    wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,SV_0
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
                  cmp       Shaft,  #199    wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,SV_1
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
                  cmp       Shaft,  #213    wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,SV_2
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
                  cmp       Shaft,  #227    wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,SV_3
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
                  cmp       Shaft,  #241    wc
          if_c    mov       SV_Index,SV_4
          if_c    jmp       set_vector
                  mov       SV_Index,SV_5                     ' last vector
    Set_Vector    mov       outa,   SV_Index
                  mov       temp,   Mask_Mtr
                  or        temp,   Mask_F
                  or        dira,   temp
    ''Command Detected ; Check for valid Commands
    Cmd_Chk       rdlong    temp,   cmd_address
                  mov       cmd,    temp
                  shr       cmd,    #24             wz
          if_z    jmp       #Main_Loop
                  xor       cmd,    #SetReverse     wz,nr
          if_z    jmp       #Rev_Encoder
                  xor       cmd,    #SetShift       wz,nr
          if_z    jmp       #Set_Shift
                  wrlong    Zero,   cmd_address
                  jmp       #Main_Loop
    '' SetReverse code
    Rev_Encoder                                     ' not coded yet!
                  wrlong    Zero,   cmd_address
                  jmp       #Main_Loop
                  mov       Clk_Shft, temp
                  and       Clk_Shft, #$FF
                  wrlong    Zero,   cmd_address
                  jmp       #Main_Loop              
    Shaft         long      0
    SV_Offset     long      0
    SV_Index      long      0
    SV_Duty       long      0
    Clk_Shft      long      18
    Mask_t        long      0
    Cmd           long      0
    temp          long      0
    Zero          long      0
    cmd_address   long      0
    ARG_0         long      0
    ARG_1         long      0
    ARG_2         long      0
    Pntr0         long      0
    Pntr1         long      0
    Pntr2         long      0
    Mask_Duty     long      %0111_1111
    Mask_Mtr      long      %111 << MotorPin
    Mask_f        long      %1 << FieldPin
     ' PPDB pins
    SV_0          long      %001 << MotorPin + 1 << FieldPin
    SV_1          long      %011 << MotorPin + 1 << FieldPin
    SV_2          long      %010 << MotorPin + 1 << FieldPin
    SV_3          long      %110 << MotorPin + 1 << FieldPin
    SV_4          long      %100 << MotorPin + 1 << FieldPin
    SV_5          long      %101 << MotorPin + 1 << FieldPin
    { ' Proto Board pins
    SV_0          long      %01_01_10 << MotorPin + 1 << FieldPin
    SV_1          long      %01_10_10 << MotorPin + 1 << FieldPin
    SV_2          long      %01_10_01 << MotorPin + 1 << FieldPin
    SV_3          long      %10_10_01 << MotorPin + 1 << FieldPin
    SV_4          long      %10_01_01 << MotorPin + 1 << FieldPin
    SV_5          long      %10_01_10 << MotorPin + 1 << FieldPin
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2011-09-24 16:38
    Tapperman wrote: »
    I've included a copy of code here. Any ideas?
    For starters, your debugger entry point is @entry but you pass @SV_Asm to cognew. Both have to be the same, besides the latter is unlikely to work as it's org'd incorrectly. Also, I don't think you want to use jmp set_vector ...
  • TappermanTapperman Posts: 319
    edited 2011-09-24 17:35
    kuroneko wrote: »
    For starters, your debugger entry point is @entry but you pass @SV_Asm to cognew. Both have to be the same, besides the latter is unlikely to work as it's org'd incorrectly. Also, I don't think you want to use jmp set_vector ...

    1st, your correct that @SV_Asm is passed to cognew. But, that only happens if I press the 'PLAY' button on my remote (see Install_Motor method)! In the debug version ... @entry is passed. However, I think you pointed me in the right direction ... my assembly start routine passes the @command spin var as a second variable in the cognew command, but in the debug cognew, that doesn't happen!

    Is that a problem? Because the first 'step' in PASD is mov temp, par and nothing has been passed! And, that is the instruction that 'crashes' the PASD session!

    2nd, what do you mean by "ord'd incorrectly"?

    3rd, why don't I want to use jmp set_vector?

    ... Tim

    PS - still learning!
  • kuronekokuroneko Posts: 3,623
    edited 2011-09-24 17:50
    Tapperman wrote: »
    1st, your correct that @SV_Asm is passed to cognew. But, that only happens if I press the 'PLAY' button on my remote (see Install_Motor method)! In the debug version ... @entry is passed. However, I think you pointed me in the right direction ... my assembly start routine passes the @command spin var as a second variable in the cognew command, but in the debug cognew, that doesn't happen!
    AFAIK you have to start the debugger AND your cog (see PASD example), i.e. both have to be running (and both should refer to the kernel entry point).
    Tapperman wrote: »
    2nd, what do you mean by "org'd incorrectly"?
    Well, you start the DAT block with org 0 which is followed by the debug kernel. Those 12 longs push your program back so you can't run it as if it were located at 0 (which is what your cognew would do). In English, all the address references are wrong.
    Tapperman wrote: »
    3rd, why don't I want to use jmp set_vector?
    The current form is an indirect jump. It takes the content of set_vector (mov outa, SV_Index) and uses the lower 9 bits as a jump target. The source field contains the address of SV_index which is $07B (with debug kernel). If you want to jump to the set_vector label use the direct form (jmp #set_vector).
  • TappermanTapperman Posts: 319
    edited 2011-09-25 16:26
    kuroneko wrote: »
    The current form is an indirect jump. It takes the content of set_vector (mov outa, SV_Index) and uses the lower 9 bits as a jump target. The source field contains the address of SV_index which is $07B (with debug kernel). If you want to jump to the set_vector label use the direct form (jmp #set_vector).

    I can't believe I missed that!!!!!! After all the reading & studying ... but after that change, the driver started working! My first assembly driver (well, it's actually 90% owed to you and this forum!) and the motor turns correctly!

    Thank you so much for your input!!! Still one more challenge to over come, but that's down hill from where I am now! Need to come up with a method to detect the best acceleration for any given offset value? With the remote, I can change the offset by pressing '7' or '9' on the remote (by 16) and also by pressing the 'up' or 'down' arrow keys (by one).

    Since the motor driver can be installed at any shaft position (detected by E4P object), the offset that best moves the motor in your desired direction must be found!

    ... Tim
  • TappermanTapperman Posts: 319
    edited 2011-09-26 22:53
    Just in case anyone is curious about the solution ... and if not, ignore!icon11.png
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