Microcenter now carrying arduino!
Microcenter now carries arduino....I just saw it yesterday. People are going nuts around here for anything arduino. I don't understand it....they literally have about every product arduino makes on the shelf, countless mags including make, digg, robot, servo, etc...yes not a d*m thing about parallax. Aside from mcu's alone parallax makes excellant projects in the robot field.
And yet Fry's, a store similar to Microcenter, only stocks Parallax. No Arduino to be seen. You also won't see Arduino in Radio Shack (at least I don't), but you do see Parallax products.
Maybe someone who distributes Arduino products caught the right ear of a Microcenter buyer. Maybe Microcenter has been watching the online community and is reacting to the market forces it sees. I'd view this as a sales opportunity. If Microcenter is willing to sell Arduino, they'll probably also sell, at the very least Bot-bots, and probably more.
There is a favoritism toward Arduino in the magazines you cite, but that's also reflecting the market. It's actually a little hard to sell an article on the BS2 or Propeller, because they're older products and the editors want the latest and greatest. Never mind the Arduino and Propeller are the same age. They see it at the board level, and the Uno is less than a year old. I have several article projects in the wings waiting on the PropBOE to be released. It's powerful, it's priced right, it's got great features, and best yet, it's new.
-- Gordon
-- Gordon
In a nutshell, yep. Good summary, Gordon.
BTW, you will find the same Parallax selection from RadioShack in the Fry's Electronics stores.
Ken Gracey
EDIT: Just saw this post great start.
This is where Parallax-driven projects, plans, follow-on kits, PDF booklets, Instructables, whatever. could come into play. These types of products have always been self service, and the sales force there just can't be called on to proactively make the sale. It has to come organically.
So the trick is to come up with ways to encourage posters to share their Parallax-RadioShack projects. Some of it will come from people just interested in blogging or writing about their ideas, but more will come from "clever" things like affiliate linking sales.
I'm sure I'm not the first to realize that while Parallax doesn't have an affiliate program (at least not that I know of), the Shack does. And if Radio Shack is going to be selling these products online as well as in their physical stores (an assumption I happily make, but I could be wrong), then this is a nice opportunity for people to help pay for their hobby, while furthering the cause. They'll share their projects, hopefully make a dime or two in affiliate commissions, spread the word, and help others enjoy this great playpen of ours.
In business the best deal is the win-win. This is one of those.
-- Gordon