Is there a way to send these 2 commands together?
I have these 2 lines:
Can they be combined somehow in one line to send both the $1_08 & $0_08 together? What is the syntax to do so?
txmdbinv($1_08, MDB_MSTR) txmdbinv($0_08, MDB_MSTR)
Can they be combined somehow in one line to send both the $1_08 & $0_08 together? What is the syntax to do so?
txmdbinv lives in the initial cog I believe. It is a pub method in my main object. In another program I have I am able to send these 2 "commands" I'll call them, with this line of code:
MDB_ACK = $00. MDB_SLAV is a pin.
I tried to do this in my code but it doesn't work: txmdbinv(($1_08) | $08, MDB_MSTR)
With this code:
I get this as an output:
Is there a way to combine both of those lines of code into 1?
how many propeller-IO-pins do you use to transfer the commands?
What kind of interface is this SPI?, Serial?, I2C? something else?
please attach your complete code to a posting.
best regards
It involves only 1 IO pin and it is serial. It isn't that important that it be condensed. I was just curious as I had seen it work in another program I have with similar conditions.
So what does this mean? Do you stop working on this?
keep the questions coming
best regards
Pass the address of the command string you want to send: