Prop chips from other sources?
did i screw myself over by getting the propeller chips from digikey? no matter which programming method i use ( serial transistor or prop-plug ) i am unable to find the chip on any com port. :frown:
i've setup my breadboard using the schematic in the datasheet, but with no such luck.
thanks in advance for any suggestions / ideas.
i've setup my breadboard using the schematic in the datasheet, but with no such luck.
thanks in advance for any suggestions / ideas.
Best thing to do is to come up with a schematic of exactly what you have on your breadboard (not what you think you have) and how it's connected to the PC and your power source (3.3V regulated) and post it. If you're running the Prop off batteries, make sure the batteries are fresh and that your regulator is producing what's expected.
happen to have an eagle library for the propeller?
edit: geh.. that 230R on the eeprom is actually a 10K on my board.
The first thing that jumped out at me was the complete lack of capacitors. The LM317 can theoretically work without input or output capacitors, but, in practice, you need at least a 0.1uF input capacitor and a 1uF or higher output capacitor. In addition, the Propeller has to have, at a minimum, a 0.1uF bypass capacitor across the Vss/Vdd pins on each side of the package, as close as possible to the pins.
like i stated, i went directly from the schematic in the datasheet for setting this up. please forgive the utter newbness of the schematic.
Check the datasheet for the LM317:
Look at where you have pin 1 (adj) of the regulator, it should be at the junction of R4 and R5.
Look at where you have the GND pins of the Prop and Propclip, you have them at the junction of R4 and R5 instead of ground.
Plus you need the caps that others have suggested.
battery output is still around 8v5 while 317 is putting out 3v1...
The Propeller Education Kit lab tutorials are good references for what you're trying to do.
Ignoring the erroneous regulator connections, if the rest of your schematic is true to what you have, your VSS, BOEn, RESn, and VDD are all shifted one place to the right from where they should be.
Everything you really need to know about LM117/317 in one picture.
(Well, I probably should add the equation for setting the output voltage)
If anybody sees any errors, please let me know so I can fix.
RD - the values for R1 on your diagrams create the impression that 240 Ohms is for one model of the regulator and 120 Ohms is for the other.
R1 is used in conjunction with the x17's reference volatge (typ. 1.25V for both the 117 and 317) to set the programming current that will be used (in conjunction with R2) to set the output voltage.
So, one could use 120 or 240 Ohms on either x17 regulator.
If the datasheet of the National Semi LM117 is used as the source, page 9 delves into this in detail.
Beau's right. Those need to be re-wired. Also, I have minor issue with your ground rail. Particularly, to reach Ground (Vss), the Propeller has to go through that 470 ohm resistor (R5). I haven't messed with adjustable regulators, but that could be an issue. If you re-wire those pins and it still doesnt work, try wiring the Propeller up in such a way such that Ground is run straight to the negative terminal on your battery/power supply.
Maybe that's why the datasheet states a minimum load current for the x17.
Just guessin'...
i've followed every single suggestion on here with a different propChip each time in place of the original, so if i've fried all 5 of em. damn...
my big question from the original statement is this "did i screw myself over by getting the propeller chips from digikey?", meaning: do the chips from a non-parallax source still have the bootcode in ROM, or do i need to find a high-voltage-programmer for these confounding chips? an example would be the "AVRDragon" for atmel chips.
if the answer is yes, kindly point me in the direction to find it, else i have NFI what i'm doing wrong anymore.
I'll redo my board again n see where I've gone so horribly wrong that its not working.
Before plugging in your prop to PC, did you install the FTDI drivers, if not download and install them from . As a general rule of thumb, never plugin new hardware to your PC until after you install the drivers. Make sure the propclip/plug is not connect to the PC while installing the drivers or you will need to restart your PC.
Double check your board with the PE Kit manual page 31 to 38... 38 shows what Mike Green was talking about with the Caps. Also make sure your propclip is not plugged in upside down, I did that the first time I connected it. If you wire your board exactly like the PE Kit diagrams, the propPLUGs Paralax Logo should be facing down, I am not sure if it is the same with the propCLIP....
I would be very surprised if you got 5 dud chips from any reputable supplier. The Propeller proves to be quite a rugged chip and one of the easiest MCUs to get going. To be clear, it does have a bootloader but it is in mask ROM meaning it is built in when the chip is made so they all have it out of the factory.
Basically, to get a prop running you don't need the crystal, it will run from it's internal slow clock without. You don't need the EEPROM, the Prop Tool can detect it and load it's RAM without one.
So all you need is:
Be sure your power supply voltage is correct before connecting to Prop.
Be sure the ground pins are connected to together at the chip.
Be sure the power pins are connected together at the chip.
A sprinkling of smoothing capacitors and decoupling capacitors, the later should as close to the Prop as possible, see many typical circuits for details.
Ground pins connected to ground.
Power pins connected to power.
Take care of BOE pin as per data sheet.
Connect to your Prop plug.
The Prop Tool on should now detect your Propeller. Try and down load a simple program.
Download a simple program to set a pin high, you can see it work with a multimeter or LED and resistor on the pin.
After that you can add the crystal and add the clock setting statements to your simple program.
After that you can connect up the EEPROM and try to get your code into there.
Then the world is yours:)
That's basically how I got my first DIP Prop running.
I have not followed all the tribulations of this thread in detail but, sadly, I suspect you have indeed fried the Props. The steps above will find out how badly.
Don't give up yet!
thank you all for your help. after re-reading all your comments and the datasheets over and over, i finally "got" the 317 setup correctly, seems that if you wire it backwards it will still output 3v1 but with odd spikes in current.
lesson learned! :thumb:
and now onto figuring out XBee & NMEA parsing... wish me luck!
I'm glad you guys were having this discussion, because I just populated my first surface mount board using a QFP last night and I can't detect my prop. I think it's because I don't have any capacitors across the prop's Vss/Vdd. (or one of a 100 other possibilities, but this sounds the most likely)
I didn't even realize that these capacitors were needed because I had followed and built the PEK following the schematic in the box insert:
Are the 0.0uF capacitors something that's needed with the QFP but not the DIP chips? I just figured that I'd ask before I start soldering some 0.1uF capacitors tomorrow. If it still doesn't work I'll bring it to the UPE this weekend and bug anyone form Parallax.
The caps are a suggested PE Platform Circuit Enhancement . This and other info can be found here.
Not sure that is the reason you can't detect your Prop.