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FDTI VCP Installation for Mac — Parallax Forums

FDTI VCP Installation for Mac

robot mogulrobot mogul Posts: 32
edited 2011-08-15 12:49 in BASIC Stamp
I just got my mac computer and I am trying to do a project with my PDB and when I try to run the program, it says "Unable to open serial connection, Port Selected?" I checked the serial adapter and USB cable and they seem fine, but when I try to select the port, the selector displays only "none". I tried installing the latest FDTI VCP driver, but it isn,t compatible with my mac. How can I fix this?


  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2011-08-15 12:49
    The FTDI drivers do work and they work with a variety of MacOS versions. What kind of Mac do you have? What version of MacOS are you running? What USB to serial adapter are you using? Where did you download the driver? The latest drivers are always available for download from FTDI.
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