Looking for 150 - 200VDC H bridge motor driver
Looking for a module that can handle a motor that I have that draws 5 amps or less. Anyone have a good lead on a supplier or where I can find such a thing? Google search didn't provide me with what I was looking for.
Unfortunately most H bridges with currents in that low a range are also low voltage as well. As the voltage rating increases so does the current and cost.
Search for "electric car", "electric car conversion", "electric bicycle", etc.
You can see what they're using/doing.
Relays? The dilemma is that relay contacts perform much better with AC than DC. At 200VDC and 5amps, it may be harder to find a reliable relay than it is to build a heavy duty MOSfet H-bridge. Why so? The contacts work well with AC because the metal is moved back and forth from one to the other; with DC all the contact metal is moved in one direction.
Take a look at relay contact ratings - Often 5 amps at 250VAC is only good for 5 amps at 24VDC.
But if you must use relays, automotive solenoid relays for starter motors are some of the best value in heavy duty.
Newer Power MOSfets are rated at 250VDC and above And can be used in parallel, unlike older semiconductors.
1 pole is rated at 1.5 A
2 poles in series is rated at 8 A
3 poles in series is rated at 25 A
scroll down a bit and you will see, for DC-3 (shunt wound dc motor)
3 poles in series is rated at 6 A
and after that, for DC-5 (series wound dc motor)
3 poles in series is also rated at 6 A
From past experience its really the 'control relays', and contactors before you get sufficient DC performance. There are also 4 main pole versions which are better still.
To be honest, now that we can buy VSDs for $100 that are inverting off a 400vdc bus, I would think there are other solid state solutions, just got to find them.
We make many DC Drivers. Please visit my website http://www.vsholding.com or send me email to v_shvartsman@vsholding.com and I will offer you a P/N. I'm working now on a data sheet for a high-speed full-bridge driver.
Thanks, Vladimir