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What should Parallax do about the dreaded "Retractable USB cords"? — Parallax Forums

What should Parallax do about the dreaded "Retractable USB cords"?

HannoHanno Posts: 1,130
edited 2011-08-19 09:26 in Propeller 1
I'm sure everyone using one of these has had intermittent problems with their setup. Sadly, most users end up blaming either their much more expensive hardware or software than the dreaded cable. I've resolved countless ViewPort problems by asking customers to change to a standard USB cable. Many were close to giving up on Parallax, all because of the cheapest component- a simple cable. I've raised this several times and believe that they're no longer shipping them- but there are still plenty of people trying to use them. What to do?


  • idbruceidbruce Posts: 6,197
    edited 2011-08-12 14:12

    My retractable was giving me problems, not the cable itself, but the retracting part of it, so I eliminated the retracting part and it has worked flawlessly for over a year.

  • ctwardellctwardell Posts: 1,716
    edited 2011-08-12 14:18
    idbruce wrote: »
    My retractable was giving me problems, not the cable itself, but the retracting part of it, so I eliminated the retracting part and it has worked flawlessly for over a year.

    I had to do that within the first hour of working with my PEK. The super skinny cable is nice, the retracting part not so much.

  • idbruceidbruce Posts: 6,197
    edited 2011-08-12 14:23
    I had to do that within the first hour of working with my PEK.

    I think mine lasted at least a couple hours :)
  • rokickirokicki Posts: 1,000
    edited 2011-08-12 14:38
    Mine failed while on the road. I really had to scrounge for a replacement.
  • WBA ConsultingWBA Consulting Posts: 2,936
    edited 2011-08-12 15:50
    Interesting. I have two of them and have been using them both for 3 years without a single problem.
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2011-08-12 16:10
    'Never thought about removing the retractor (and never used mine because it was in the way). 'Gonna dig it out now and clip the retractor off. I really like the idea of such a skinny cable!

  • Dave HeinDave Hein Posts: 6,347
    edited 2011-08-12 16:17
    The retracting mechanism on mine just decided to come apart on it own after a few months of use. The cable worked fine before and after it reconfigured itself.
  • smbakersmbaker Posts: 164
    edited 2011-08-12 18:19
    I love the retractable USB so much that I ordered a couple more of them... never experienced a problem.
  • whickerwhicker Posts: 749
    edited 2011-08-12 18:30
    Oh wow, this brings back memories...

    On my very first experience with my first protoboard and Prop-plug many years ago, I received that retractable cord. The second night, the thing broke to the point of not being able to retract. Plus I noticed how chintzy the wires were.

    Maybe I had a lot more self-confidence back then, anyways I just brought it up immediately, and Jim Carey (no, not the actor) just sent me a normal USB to mini cable no questions asked.

    That experience stuck with me, plus the amazement of just hooking up 3 resistors and a cut cable... suddenly I had TV video.
  • idbruceidbruce Posts: 6,197
    edited 2011-08-12 18:30

    Try removing the retractable device on one of them and you will find a real nice thin short cable. It is also great without the retracting. In fact, I think it is much better without the retraction feature.
  • idbruceidbruce Posts: 6,197
    edited 2011-08-12 18:36

    To answer your question, Parallax should remove the retractable feature on all the cables they have in stock and just distribute the small tiny cable :)

    And no, I am not volunteering for the job :)

  • HannoHanno Posts: 1,130
    edited 2011-08-12 19:25
    I agree that the skinny cable "looks nice".

    However, there's a reason why every cable that actually complies with the USB spec is thicker.
    The spec specifies that the data wires be twisted and shielded. The retractable ones obviously don't do either. The retractable cable can NOT be called or sold as a USB cable.
    The poor crosstalk and noise properties do affect it's performance- especially when used with software that takes advantage of the higher speeds that the Prop/USB is capable of.
    When I was using the retractable cord I also thought that it worked. However, switching to a real USB cable eliminated intermittent Propeller Tool download problems and even reduced time to load programs.
    Try it- I'm sure you all have a bunch of usb cables at home from old digital cameras.

  • Oldbitcollector (Jeff)Oldbitcollector (Jeff) Posts: 8,091
    edited 2011-08-12 19:32
    Retractable cables have been hit and miss here...

    The quality of "what" the part is should be obvious to anyone who is having trouble communicating with the Propeller.
    It certainly isn't a Parallax designed part, but perhaps one that should be re-considered.

  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2011-08-12 19:52
    Hanno wrote: »
    The poor crosstalk and noise properties do affect it's performance- especially when used with software that takes advantage of the higher speeds that the Prop/USB is capable of.
    Like others here, I never have trouble with the thin cables.
    Maybe the higher speeds should not be the default option.
    Do higher serial speeds really add that much value?
  • blittledblittled Posts: 681
    edited 2011-08-12 19:53
    I also got one with my Prop plug and thought it was pretty cool but within a short time it wouldn't work so I went to a regular USB cable. I thought I might.have broke a connection but with all these comments I now know it was a poor design.

    Edit: Just pulled mine out of the mothballs and connected it to my Hydra and got the "USB Device Not Recognized" message. lol Hmmm... I have a Belkin Retractable Cat5 Ethernet cable. Hopefully that isn't prone to problems too.
  • HannoHanno Posts: 1,130
    edited 2011-08-12 22:04
    - the Parallax retractable cables do not meet the USB spec- the data wires are not twisted pair or shielded.
    - many users have had issues with them
    - few users are able to correctly identify that the cable causes the "usb device not recognized" message- they therefore blame the hardware or software

    Why is Parallax risking the reputation of a $170 hydra kit on a crappy cable? I've brought this to Parallax's attention several times- I care because I lose customers when my products don't appear to work when a customer assumes that their "USB" cable works. I'm very frustrated that they're still selling it and haven't warned existing customers that although their retractable cable may look like a USB cable, it is NOT a USB cable.
  • potatoheadpotatohead Posts: 10,261
    edited 2011-08-13 00:22
    I personally would not ship another of those cables for any reason. They do not work well, are not reliable, etc...

    For the ones out there, they are just out there. Nothing to be done, but keep informing people.
  • Heater.Heater. Posts: 21,230
    edited 2011-08-13 03:48
    Yep, those retractable cables are hit and miss. I have few here some work others totally fail or are intermittent depending an what I'm trying to connect to. Better not to ship them at all.
  • ColeyColey Posts: 1,128
    edited 2011-08-13 07:19
    The best thing to do with those retractable cables is put them where they belong - in the bin!

    I really don't understand why Parallax ships those things, they are unreliable.

    The problem comes if you actually retract them, think about it, you are pulling on the cord of the cable and every time you do it you are straining it, it obvious when you think about it.

  • potatoheadpotatohead Posts: 10,261
    edited 2011-08-13 09:46
    There is that iffy mechanical robustness, and the resistance of the cable itself. They restrict current, and that's another source of trouble.

    My test for these things is whether or not they will drive a larger external disk. If a cable will, it's bullet proof for the prop. If it won't, then it's going to be crappy for the prop. Thicker, well engineered, shorter cables are best. And they are not that much money!

    One of us should measure the things. I would, but I don't have a real precision meter. Suppose I could use the scope... I would love to confirm the internal resistance though I just contributed here.
  • KMyersKMyers Posts: 433
    edited 2011-08-13 09:54
    Thought they were a good idea until I used one. Couldn't get rid of it fast enough!
  • Bob Lawrence (VE1RLL)Bob Lawrence (VE1RLL) Posts: 1,720
    edited 2011-08-13 11:22

    Just sell ViewPort with a proper cable. :smile:
  • HannoHanno Posts: 1,130
    edited 2011-08-13 13:07
    My favorite response so far:
    jazzed wrote: »
    Like others here, I never have trouble with the thin cables.
    Maybe the higher speeds should not be the default option.
    Do higher serial speeds really add that much value?

    I don't want to cripple my products- and I do want Parallax to succeed. As I see it by selling and supporting the cable Parallax is shooting themselves and all of us in the foot.

    Here's a perfectly valid scenario:
    - Chip and everyone on this forum contributes to an awesome product- great hardware, obex, software, support
    - Lots of people rave about the Propeller and that Parallax is a company that sells great products
    - Parallax sends review kit of ~$200 robot/demoboard/propscope/hydra to an influential reviewer- or even a kid getting started with robots
    - Reviewer/new users gets excited- and then connects hardware to PC- with the damn retractable.
    - Item doesn't work
    - Reviewer writes an Arduino article. Kid gives up on robotics and becomes an evil banker.

    As I said before- I've turned dozens of people around from almost giving up to loving the Propeller- all because of a cable.

    And to answer "jazzed"- the baud rate has NO impact over the speed that data travels over the USB cable. USB does not run at 9600 baud- it runs at tens of mbps. At that speed you do need to follow the spec- it's there for a reason. As it stands, data gets corrupted by the cable because of high noise and crosstalk. It may work sometimes because USB uses all sorts of error correction, retries, etc to ensure data arrives- but it fails just as often.

    Finally- as surprising as it may be, high baud rates are a good thing. To answer Jazzed- I use them to allow:
    - PropScope to show full screen graphs of real-time analog and digital measurements at full frame rate.
    - 12Blocks to allow people to easily get started with programming.
    - ViewPort for powerful debugging- step line by line, real-time graphs of variables/io states, streaming video...

    However- this cable doesn't just break my products- it breaks everyone's contributions- hardware, obex software, support, etc...
  • idbruceidbruce Posts: 6,197
    edited 2011-08-13 13:10

    I have seen the light. I agree 100%. Since there are existing problems and bad reviews, eliminate the product from the product line. But of course that is Parallax's decision.

  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2011-08-13 13:53
    Hanno wrote: »
    My favorite response so far:
    Happy to oblige :) Let me know when all your problems go away.

    Bob Lawrence's answer is the best. That way you would have no one else to blame.
  • TtailspinTtailspin Posts: 1,326
    edited 2011-08-13 14:15
    Mine did not work either.. I figured it was my luck, and just one in a million chance I got the bad one...

    Parallax ships awsome products, And the product should not be hampered by some thing so simple.

    It is a problem, and should be addressed for the reason's Hanno has stated...

  • MicrocontrolledMicrocontrolled Posts: 2,461
    edited 2011-08-13 14:23
    I had one of these that worked fine for several months, and I never had any trouble with it until I started using ViewPort. I thought initially that it was Viewport's fault, until I replaced it with a normal USB cable on a whim and Viewport worked fine.
    The cable failed entirely about a few weeks later, I've received numerous other ones since that have never seemed to work right. I agree that Parallax should probably quit selling them, they don't give a good name to their products.
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2011-08-13 14:27
    Hanno wrote:
    The poor crosstalk and noise properties do affect it's performance- especially when used with software that takes advantage of the higher speeds that the Prop/USB is capable of.
    jazzed wrote:
    ... Maybe the higher speeds should not be the default option. ...
    This raises an interesting question. Do high/low serial speeds necessarily correlate with high/low USB data rates? I would have thought that they do not, that the USB data rate is constant, consistent with the USB protocol, and that conversion to the selected serial baud rate takes place in the FTDI chip.

  • jazzedjazzed Posts: 11,803
    edited 2011-08-13 14:42
    This raises an interesting question. Do high/low serial speeds necessarily correlate with high/low USB data rates? I would have thought that they do not, that the USB data rate is constant, consistent with the USB protocol, and that conversion to the selected serial baud rate takes place in the FTDI chip.

    The data rates of the serial port do not change the signalling rate of USB. I question the impact on the transitions though.

    The number of retractions would impact the quality of the wires. Once you get down to one tiny thread in the wire(s) carrying signal, all kinds of silly thing can happen before a hard failure.

    I agree the product in question should not be shipped.

    Expecting no trouble from a solution with many variables (especially the ones beyond your control) is not reasonable though.
  • HumanoidoHumanoido Posts: 5,770
    edited 2011-08-13 23:27
    Hanno, sorry to hear about the anomaly you are having with the thin cable, and to learn about some experiences from others. All my experiences are excellent with this cable.

    It's really surprising to read these comments about my favorite light weight retractable USB cord. I use one on Penguin robots, BASIC Stamps, and now with Propeller projects. As you know, Penguins are in motion and I kept the cable on Penguin when developing around 1,000 programs, so the cable is moving a lot. I also retract the cable when finished with programming. That's at least a thousand retractions. The cable never failed in two years.

    I like this cable the most. The other thick cables are too heavy - if you bump a thick cable, then Penguin tips over. Penguin cannot walk with a heavy USB cable attached. I also use the light weight retractable cable for small prop project boards. These cables are great. They put no stress on the board. The board is not sliding around the way it does when it's based on the shape of a heavy usb cable. It also works well for connecting to the top board in a tower. The retraction holder adds a slight weight, just the right amount so it comes straight down and doesn't tangle.

    Another good use for this cable is you can partially retract it on purpose. Like a window shade when you want only 50% windowing lighting, you can set 50% cable length. So basically there's never any cord entanglement. Plus it's tiny and packs in a small space. I can keep one inside most of my projects or leave it built into the project. It's the coolest gadget.

    So send me all your retractable cables! :)
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