Sigma-delta ADC and non-optimal layout
I have an application where I want to control a motorpot and have it seek to a certain position (going to use an h-bridge to run the motor, then read back position with one of the windings).
However, my PCB was designed for another project, and I don't have any ADC capability on the board. So, I'm thinking of sticking the sigma-delta on a separate perfboard and running some hookup wire over to it. The parallax app-note says to keep the components as close to the prop pins as possible, so I'm wondering what kind of effect moving them off board would have. I'm looking for at least 8-bit resolution.
An alternative would be to measure using RC decay. I'm a little concerned on what resolution I can get with RC decay, and what affect the value of the pot might have on rate of measurement (the idea is to stick this inside of some kind of PID controller, to be able to seek the motorpot to a specific position).
As some might guess from the above, I'm mainly a digital guy, and don't do a lot of work with analog...
However, my PCB was designed for another project, and I don't have any ADC capability on the board. So, I'm thinking of sticking the sigma-delta on a separate perfboard and running some hookup wire over to it. The parallax app-note says to keep the components as close to the prop pins as possible, so I'm wondering what kind of effect moving them off board would have. I'm looking for at least 8-bit resolution.
An alternative would be to measure using RC decay. I'm a little concerned on what resolution I can get with RC decay, and what affect the value of the pot might have on rate of measurement (the idea is to stick this inside of some kind of PID controller, to be able to seek the motorpot to a specific position).
As some might guess from the above, I'm mainly a digital guy, and don't do a lot of work with analog...
You will probably not be successful with your scheme. The sigma-delta passive components really do need to be soldered proximal to the Propeller chip and, certainly, not on another board. An inexpensive solution for you might be to use the Propeller QuickStart board, which has pads for a sigma-delta channel where they need to be. Any additional circuitry you need could then be built onto a board that plugs into the QuickStart. Another option is the Propeller Backpack, which has two sigma-delta channels already populated.
The main effect of not having the sigma delta components close, is that they pick up noise. If your control loop is slow it may be possible to average out and obtain the kind of accuracy you seek
I do think I have a solution -- I found a stash of 25 LTC1298 ADCs in the junk box. Not only should they do the trick for the ADC, but checking the distributors, these things seem to be worth a lot more money today than whatever I must have paid for them a decade ago.
But it depends on the performance required, and the performance depends on the source motorpot. If DC potential is being applied to the wiper ends it may be possible to put a rail to rail op amp at the motorpot, getting a nice low source impedance would help.
Btw, has anyone attempted to properly classify (ENOB at various frequencies) the common prop sigma delta circuit in its various layout arrangements (backpack, quickstart board etc)? And does anyone know the reasoning behind choosing 150k vs lower impedances that might offer more robustness?
edit: Our posts crossed over. What kind of cable distance will there be between pot and prop? Also the datasheet seems to state 12 seconds to go 300 degrees at 4.5v. Thats plenty slow. The 10kohm will result in a nonlinear curve out of the LTC1298 unless you use a buffer (r2r op amp) in between. Finally you could consider a VCO (eg 555 timer) at the pot and read the frequency using the prop. That would solve the distance issue
But I haven't really looked into the Prop's sigma-delta configuration other than knowing some basics of RC integration sigma-delta converters so I leave it to those in the know.
I'm looking at around 6" of cable between prop and pot. 12 seconds is quite slow. It'll be interesting to see what happens if I give it a bit more voltage (datasheet lists the max as 6v).
You can always shield the cable if need be, but will probably be fine without it.
And a short write-up on the blog at: