Suggestions for motor controller for Stingray project
In light of this statement
and other readings about some problems with the MSR1 I'm thinking that I may modify my project by adding some type of motor control that accepts RC style control.
I've googled and looked around a bit I'm wondering if anyone has a favorite?
These board from Pololu look interesting. Does anyone have any experience with them? A single board that can control two motors might be nice. Seems like the Parallax HB-25 might be a bit of overkill for a Stingray.
Suggestions welcome.
(see: Savage wrote: »I'm sorry everyone, we have decided not to update the MSR1 Board at this time
and other readings about some problems with the MSR1 I'm thinking that I may modify my project by adding some type of motor control that accepts RC style control.
I've googled and looked around a bit I'm wondering if anyone has a favorite?
These board from Pololu look interesting. Does anyone have any experience with them? A single board that can control two motors might be nice. Seems like the Parallax HB-25 might be a bit of overkill for a Stingray.
Suggestions welcome.
Not to tease, but what this means is that we've decided to not update that board (or to provide an integrated solution like it).
We're going with a more modular approach. A couple of these "modules" are under development, including a motor driver. No release date yet, but I'll post a pic or two soon.
I've been looking around the internet a bit today. Looking at hoby RC sites and bingleing for motor contoller schematics. As I work on my Stingray RC and AI control project I've been keeping the resources that I've found useful documented in a blog here in the Parallax forums.
c ya... - jeffa
I did find an open hardware project with some great resources. I bought one of these
Also found the Sabertooth dual 5A motor driver from Dimension engineering.
It feels a bit like cheating because both of these controllers have mixers onboard. I wrote a mixing routine in .spin today for the learning and got SAMI running. It turns on a dime, but that's not enough to get it out of a corner.
This is a modification of the RX input / RC Receiver Input from the obex
FWIW I've been collecting what I feel is useful information in a blog here
c ya.... - jeffa