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Suggestions for motor controller for Stingray project — Parallax Forums

Suggestions for motor controller for Stingray project

JeffaJeffa Posts: 80
edited 2011-08-15 09:00 in General Discussion
In light of this statement
I'm sorry everyone, we have decided not to update the MSR1 Board at this time
and other readings about some problems with the MSR1 I'm thinking that I may modify my project by adding some type of motor control that accepts RC style control.

I've googled and looked around a bit I'm wondering if anyone has a favorite?

These board from Pololu look interesting. Does anyone have any experience with them? A single board that can control two motors might be nice. Seems like the Parallax HB-25 might be a bit of overkill for a Stingray.

Suggestions welcome.



  • Matt GillilandMatt Gilliland Posts: 1,406
    edited 2011-08-10 21:10
    Hi Jeffa,
    I'm sorry everyone, we have decided not to update the MSR1 Board at this time

    Not to tease, but what this means is that we've decided to not update that board (or to provide an integrated solution like it).

    We're going with a more modular approach. A couple of these "modules" are under development, including a motor driver. No release date yet, but I'll post a pic or two soon.

  • JeffaJeffa Posts: 80
    edited 2011-08-11 18:49

    I've been looking around the internet a bit today. Looking at hoby RC sites and bingleing for motor contoller schematics. As I work on my Stingray RC and AI control project I've been keeping the resources that I've found useful documented in a blog here in the Parallax forums.

    c ya... - jeffa
  • JeffaJeffa Posts: 80
    edited 2011-08-14 20:24
    Well I got a bit ahead of my self. I bought a couple ESCs at a local hobby shop. They work pretty good. But no reverse! Silly me.

    I did find an open hardware project with some great resources. I bought one of these

    Also found the Sabertooth dual 5A motor driver from Dimension engineering.

    It feels a bit like cheating because both of these controllers have mixers onboard. I wrote a mixing routine in .spin today for the learning and got SAMI running. It turns on a dime, but that's not enough to get it out of a corner.

    This is a modification of the RX input / RC Receiver Input from the obex
        out(8, pulsewidth[0])         ' send the Aileron / elevator straight to x/y servos
        out(9, pulsewidth[1])
        leftMotor   := 1000 #> (pulsewidth[2] + (1500 - pulsewidth[3])) <#2000      ' mix in rudder
        rightMotor  := 1000 #> (pulsewidth[2] - (1500 - pulsewidth[3])) <#2000      '  and calculate speed for motors                              
        servo.set(10, leftMotor)
        servo.set(11, rightMotor)

    FWIW I've been collecting what I feel is useful information in a blog here

    c ya.... - jeffa
  • ercoerco Posts: 20,261
    edited 2011-08-15 09:00
    @Jeffa: You could always throw in a reversing relay with your ESCs.
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