a 24x1 LCD (All Elect. LED-111 a Wintek# WDC2401P-1GNNA)
Has anyone used this LCD?
For some reason the initialization of $1C, $14, $28, $4F, $E0 doesn't seem to work. Is that a correct sequence?
I got this from a couple of sources. Googling Parallax wasn't helpful. I'm trying to use it with a QuickStart board. At $1.85/module; only problem s te 50 mil i/f header. I got mine several years back.
For some reason the initialization of $1C, $14, $28, $4F, $E0 doesn't seem to work. Is that a correct sequence?
I got this from a couple of sources. Googling Parallax wasn't helpful. I'm trying to use it with a QuickStart board. At $1.85/module; only problem s te 50 mil i/f header. I got mine several years back.
BTW I noticed that the pinouts for some LCDs have the RW, RS & E pins in different order.
This LCD used the the Hitachi 66717 IC. This is a new onne for me. I'll look into the OBEX in case there's any thing there on it.
I Googled the display but got mostly all All Electric references. And I didn't notice any there of help. Maybe I 'looked' too fast. Ive got a document on the IC but I didn't see any reference to 'init' in the ~100 pages. Trying to do too much at once I suppose with the QuickStart module.
I did find some info in the OBEX on this item. It seems they don't use the reset pin of the LCD.
Maybe my part is 'bad'; I do have 2 others. Unfortunately the 0.050" spaced pins on the LCD don't lend themselves to any cable/connector. I soldered wire-wrap wires from the LCD to a 2x7 header, and that is a tedious job to repeat. But I'm not giving up yet one this.
Now that I've verified that ViewPort is working properly, for some reason this program doesn't load or configure properly. I'm not sure is our 3 cats have 'been playing/laying/stepping' on wrong keys and modified my code. I had copy/pasted and edited what I had working with VP. I can't see what is wrong. I've ploughed through the VP manual, but don't notice any funnies. Yet this QuickStart board and VP runs Hanno's 4-bit counter demo.
Q. Can 'vp.share include Longs on down to Bytes?